‘Japan’s property market shows signs of overheating, central bank says’ Is this true?

‘Japan’s property market shows signs of overheating, central bank says’ Is this true?


  1. “From a long-term perspective, if banks’ core profitability were to stagnate and capital accumulation were to stall, financial intermediation could be impaired due to a decline in loss-absorbing capacity,” the BOJ said.


  2. How to respond? I mean, the article was so terribly written / translated that it’s hard to even know what they really mean by this. Is foreign investment making prices go up? Yeah, I think so. Is this a bubble that’s going to burst anytime soon? Your guess is as good as mine

  3. Japan has been doing QE. The printed money ended up in the stock market and housing market is to be expected.

  4. Yea it’s so hot. Not many people can afford these 60m apartments in Osaka or 40m apartments in Nagoya. Oh so expensive how are retirees with their money in J bonds earning 0% going to afford this.

  5. What does this mean for regular jackoffs?

    For example, will the BJ fellas change interest rates for savings to anything other than 0% this century?

    Where do they even get money to loan to people?

  6. Certain sectors, especially manshons near train stations in Tokyo and Osaka are really heating up as foreign, particularly Chinese, buyers buy up a lot of them. The housing market as a whole? Meh, Japan has pretty lax zoning laws and a falling population so it’s hard for there to be too much spillover.

  7. pricing because of investment firms entering the housing market in large Japanese cities have pushed it to that level yet. Basically ruining cities in Japan after having done so in the US, UK, Western Europe.

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