Does ahamo eSIM work on iphones bought in the USA?

I signed up for ahamo and could not get the eSIM installed on my iphone 14 Pro Max bought from the USA.

Was anyone able to successfully get ahamo working with their non-Japanese phones?

When I scanned the QR code to download the eSIM profile, it kept giving me error that the code isn’t usable anymore: “このコードはもう有効ではありません。詳しい情報については通信 事業者にお問い合わせください”


I spent 5+ hours over 2 days with ahamo online support and they had no idea how to fix this 🙁 Now I’m thinking docomo might not work for my phone which is unfortunate since I really liked their plans.

  1. Did you enter the IMEI of your phone correctly?
    Docomo works fine for American iPhones.

  2. I can’t help with eSIM sorry but I have a non Japanese (European) model iPhone 14 that works just fine with Ahamo (physical Docomo SIM, changed to ahamo online), so I assume the networks are compatible. Maybe go into a docomo store?

  3. EDIT: thank you, I have solved this. Poking further, they never asked for my IMEI, only my EID


    I explored more and the solution is to go back to my ahamo account and reissue the eSIM. In my case, I waited ~10 days before doing the eSIM solution so maybe the original code expired or something. Anyways I got a new 6 digit code, and this time it worked

    Note also I initially tried this when a rep told me to, but the site wasn’t working for some reason, so could not get a new eSIM re-issued. A day later, now it works doing the exact same thing

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