A 24-years old woman killed by the Chinese stalker in Tokyo

Japanese source: https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/622415

Japanese Source 2: https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/622677

YouTube video: https://youtu.be/ovZg-OllgoY


  1. In the incident in which a 24-year-old woman was stabbed to death by a Chinese man late at night on Nov 28, the woman had consulted the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department several times before being murdered, claiming that she was being stalked, and that the police department had warned the man to stop the stalking behavior.

    Shortly after midnight on the night of the Nov 28, Nanami Kojima, 24, a resident of an apartment in Daita, Setagaya-ku, was stabbed multiple times in the chest and other parts of her body, and a Chinese national, Wang Lei, 29, who was at the scene, was arrested for attempted murder. Ms. Kojima was taken to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

  2. Poor girl. What did this POS want with her? If he were in China would he have done this o a Chinese woman? Or was he emboldened by the the lack of security here in Japan?

  3. I’m kind of paranoid right now.. my ex is kind of stalking me.. I’m worried about myself. Police here can’t do anything because he doesn’t live in Japan anymore but he is Japanese and comes back often and knows where I live…

  4. Thats fucked. Was talking to a woman, she gets hit on and stalked all the time. Police won’t do anything. She even had to move to shake the stalker. Terrible…

  5. This is so heartbreaking. May her innocent soul rest in peace. I hope that trash human gets the same done to him too, I’d love to see him in agony as he bleeds out grasping for his last breath of air

  6. I had a stalker in Saga. Told the police. They asked what I did to make him think we were dating. I moved and stopped talking to most everybody I knew there.

  7. This is a big problem that a person who has a stalker has only way, consulting the police.
    But they don’t necessarily solve problems…

  8. Better than the US…

    If this happens in the US, and the killer is a black, media dare not mention it’s done by a black

  9. When the police don’t help, I think sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands and get a big scary guy friend to scare them or something (not for her case in particular, just in general). Because, honestly, what are you supposed to do when those who promise to protect you…well, don’t? I always worry about this happening to myself or a friend.

  10. May poor this woman rest in peace. As someone who’s experienced stalking too, the best advice from my experience is simply move if you’re able to. The police in my home country were useless in my case and I’ve lost all my sympathy for and trust in them as a result. Moving gave me back my peace. Yes it’s really unfair but not feeling safe in my own home led to depression and serious burn out months after I moved when I felt space to breathe and wasn’t constantly in survival mode. And I’m lucky because I made it out of that situation physically unharmed.

  11. people who don’t / have never lived here get so up in arms when i mention the reality of living here as a woman. so many tiktok videos of tourists saying “you are 100% safe in japan because everyone is kind and minds their business”. but every woman i know here whether they are japanese or foreigner have been stalked, followed, harassed, and assaulted to the point that’s it’s normalized. My friend got SA’d at a club and the police asked “well you said you were dancing with him before right?” as if that matters. something has to change and i’m worried it never will

  12. Post a picture of Pooh from his social media and bad mouth Xi a dozen times then send him back to China.

  13. Flensing is a thing what needs to come back. Or if we’re going traditional I think it was 羅切(?). Maybe a bit of both, just to make a point.

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