Men who are married/living with Japanese women. Do you pee sitting down

The topic came up between me and my girlfriend and she mentioned that it’s common in Japan.

Just curious if it’s true or not for Japanese women to ask their husbands to pee sitting down.

  1. I have learned sitting down peeing is so much better, keeps your toilet, trousers and bathroom much cleaner.

  2. I was half doing it before meeting her, 99% now. Let’s be honest, doing it standing means pee splashing everywhere.

  3. every rational and smart man who’s ever had to clean his own toilet pees sitting down at home, I assure you

  4. Woman living with a japanese man here. He pees sitting down and I’m very happy about that lol.

  5. I dated a Japanese woman (and I think it is a gift to all women in general), and she definitely requested I do it. And even though we broke up, I still do it and life is a lot easier and feels cleaner.

    I think all women would super appreciate it, and even I do too.

  6. Been married a long time and dated many Japanese women and this has never come up once (only the typical conversation about me leaving the seat up). I only pee sitting when showing #2 who is the boss.

    And I think it would be physically impossible in the morning. They gymnastics required are already difficult enough.

    And for the record I clean my own toilet.

    Never heard this was a thing in Japan. My Japanese in-laws even have a urinal in their home.

  7. I do, and I live alone. You can’t imagine the amount of droplets that end up on the wall every day when you pee standing. Even if your have the aiming of a sniper

  8. Compromise and pee in the sink.

    … I’m just kidding, that’s gross. The real question is why you aren’t using that little urinal on the top of the tank that’s on basically every toilet in Japan. It’s *so* convenient, provided your bathroom space isn’t too tight 😉

  9. I’m not married but I sit. Just learned to do it from living with my mom and sisters. I’m used to it now, and I don’t flick pee or accidentally get pee on the floor (sometime those of us who are uh, “wearing a turtle neck” can spray in an unpredictable direction.) I’m an advocate, no matter how much fun some people make. It’s cleaner!

  10. If your aim is good do as you please. As long as the toilet is clean who cares what happens in closed door.

  11. I do not. Only thing my wife asked was to lower the lid when done which I do anyway. I’ve watched Southpark. I know what can happen if she falls in….

  12. My partner sits now because his ex girlfriend (Japanese) complained about it.

    I dated a Japanese man for a few years and he didn’t sit at home.

    I think it just depends on the person.

  13. Wow, good to know so many others do it.

    I piss sitting down but do so of my own volition. Had no idea it was a Japanese thing. Just more relaxing and cleaner.

    Have to admit I’ve had a couple of incidents a la Larry David, not realising the toilet seat was up in the middle of the night.

  14. My partner does, and he already did before he met me. His housework is cleaning the toilet (and cleaning the balcony lol) so maybe that plays a part

    But also I think he has an image of standing to pee at home being associated with furukusai old men lol, so he prefers to sit haha

  15. I’ve always peed standing up and I was raised in a house with three older sisters. I just clean up if needed and I’ve mastered my aim. Now that I think of it, IMO I would find it strange to sit down to pee.

  16. A) my wife has never told me how to pee or asked me how men pee

    B) I sometimes pee standing up and sometimes sitting down, depending on the situation

    C) when I pee into a toilet standing up, it is no problem because the seat is up and I pee very precisely. It seems odd that an adult man would not have learned to do these things. Unless there is some structural problem one hoists it and aims it and shoots straight to the goal. 🎯

    D) my pee never goes out of the side of the toilet on wall or floor or toilet seat so . . . wife has never had reason to ask A)

    E) besides, I clean the toilet about half the time so why would I make a mess?

    F) if it is said that if you keep a clean toilet the toilet goddess will favor your household and make your daughters beautiful and have happy marriages . . .

  17. I did so before marrying my Japanese Wife™.

    I’m German though. Just read that we apparently have a very high percentage of sitzpinkler (People who pee while sitting down). Everyone who has cleaned their own toilet would see the merits of peeing while sitting. It’s also more relaxed.

    In fact this message was sent to you while sitting down during a long pee.

  18. In the past I almost never did, but the older I got the less I just want to stand up and continously put the seat up and down again. The past year I haven’t really stand up peeing. It’s just more comfortable and relaxing to just sit.

  19. I used to laugh at a friend for doing that, now I do it 60% of the time.
    Tired of cleaning pee stains.

  20. I’m lazy but still like clean stuff so I’ve switched to sitting because I’ve noticed I don’t need to clean as often (which makes sense, no microdroplets flyin everywhere).

  21. I sit most of the time, but that has nothing to do with my wife and the topic’s never come up.

  22. ITT: Gross white men who are so fragile their masculinity is insulted by the mere idea of peeing sitting down.

    For what it’s worth, I recently surveyed ~3 of my Japanese friends and they all said they pee sitting down lol

  23. If liking to keep where I live clean is not manly, then consider me not manly.

    Why wouldn’t I want to use my own heated toilet seat? Peeing while standing in your own toilet is gross yo, splashes everywhere even on a good day.

    Now sitting down to pee when out of the house.. that one’s a bit weird.

  24. I think most Japanese toilets are not well designed for standing up. And I’m always amazed by men who get triggered by having to sit down to pee. It’s not that big a deal.

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