I was stalked by a dude today.

So here is what happened today: I was followed by a random Japanese dude from downtown Osaka to my place on the train, then I called police. The police officer, who is also a lady, not only asked if I drunk alcohol or not, but also told me my dress was too sexy for Japanese. I’m really so fucking mad.


  1. If calling the cops did the trick and got him off your trail, then don’t even worry about what the cop said. Foreigners are always outsiders and at fault. Forget what she said. You are safe.

  2. I mean, yes, it is sad, but I guess you are a foreigner there? Notice what are Japanese women wearing in hot days – and believe there is a reason for that. You are probably standing out as a foreigner as you are already – if you wear revealing cloths, only more so. You can be angry all you want (and should be, because some Japanese men are gross as fuck), but talking from an experience, you can’t win this fight – you are a guest there. Just wear something less noticeable and beware of strange people around you

  3. This happens all the time to women in Japan. Make sure to ask for a cop name and tell her/him that if you are killed by the dude, s/he will be PERSONALLY responsible.

  4. get a good look at his face, then stalk him right back…. i typically dont give good advice but im fairly confident in this.

  5. After many years here I had to “give up” on many battles and accept that this is how it is and I will be long dead the day that things will take the right turn. For now I just deal with it, accept it and adapt. A lot less headaches.

  6. There’s a reason Japan has the statistically lowest REPORTED crime rate, and there’s a lot of motivation toward keeping it that way.

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