How do you deal with anxiety when asking for visa extension?

Pretty much the title says it. But if you want context:

I came here as language student. I’ve been here for almost one year. I’m going to ask for one year visa extension next January and my school says it’s fine that I should get the extension without problems but of course it’s immigration who approved or rejected the visa.

I know that I’m most likely going to get the extension but I’m ruminating about it a lot, and I think it’s going to be pretty stressful to wait until I get an answer from immigration and as I want to stay a long time in Japan I know I will have to do this every year or every couple of years so I know I have to suck it up.

But it seems really stressful because I don’t want to go back to my home country I pretty much hated my life there and even if I’ve had problems here I really like my life here and I have a girlfriend and new friends so the idea of that an immigration officer it’s going to choice something so important in my life and I can’t really do anything about makes me really stressed. So for those who have been dealing with visa extensions for a long time

How do you deal with it?
Does it get easier?

  1. With these kind of situations I take a kind of nihilistic approach. If they approve the extension, or even if they don’t (unlikely), will you stressing over it have made a difference? Of course not. Your worries don’t affect the outcome, they just make you feel worse, so your best bet is to do what you can and then take your mind off it. You can cross the next bridge when you get there. Try and keep yourself busy and have confidence that things will be OK in the end. That’s all I can say sorry

  2. Japanese immigration is pretty fair to the point where you’d probably already know if your visa wasn’t going to be extended, so just assume it’s all a formality and you’ve already been approved.

  3. Unless u committed some crime, SOR renewal rejection is overwhelmingly low.

    Whether you get stuck with a crappy 1 year SOR however is a bit more up for debate.

  4. This is less about visa extension and more about controlling your anxiety on things you cannot control.

    I think you will get better advice elsewhere than here tbh.

  5. Pretty sure your visa extension relies solely on your school attendance. Also, isn’t it 18 months max? How about finding work so that you can feel a bit more secure.

  6. Get skilled, become qualified and they throw the visa at you. If you want to stay a language student for the rest of your life there is not reason for Japan to keep you here.

  7. It gets easier. It also helps to have a plan B in the case (although unlikely) your visa is rejected, you can’t control what immigration does, but you can control what you will do if you have to leave Japan. Even if you never plan to go through with plan B, it’s kind of just like an emotional safety net.

  8. Life is about constantly being challenged. Do your homework, follow the rules, cross your t’s and dot your i’s, and then you have nothing to worry about.

    The number one rule for literally everything: Do your homework.

  9. how is your attendance? maybe i can calm you down a bit: i got two student visa renewals despite poor attendance (i don’t remember the % but it was below what they tell you is the definitive hard line), once as a language student and once in senmon gakkou. first one i was of course just given a 6 month visa as a ”punishment” but second time i got one year, and the one after that 18 months or something, can’t remember.

    so if they’re letting people like me renew visas then i’m sure you’re fine.

  10. you cant do anything about it at this point, you submitted your paperwork and documents, if everything is ok you should get your extension, if not some clarifications or additional documents will be asked, if its rejected its because something happened or you dont meet the criteria and you should know about it.

    if the anxiety is consuming you, try some activities to keep your mind busy, gym, walking around, maybe try local sentos to relax (going to public baths for a warm bath helps me alot to relax), try to speak with someone about it, I dont know study, read a book….

    if the anxiety is too much and its afecting your daily life, as last resourse try to go to doctor for some anti anxiety medication, years ago I had to go because suffering anxiety for personal reasons that cause me terrible insomnia, I was under medication for few weeks that helped me a lot to fall sleep at night.

  11. there is literally nothing to worry about. you are a student and have a visa for it. now you want an extension to continue doing the exact same thing. the most basic common sense would dictate that there is no problem.

  12. As long as you meet the requirements and your paperwork is in order they’re pretty much automatic. If your school says it’s fine then don’t worry.

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