How to find companions for a Japan travel?

Hello folks,

I’m a M- 26-year-old from Germany. I’ve been a huge Japan fan since childhood for multiple reasons (primarily history, anime, and food).

My issue isn’t affording a trip to Japan for 2-3 weeks this coming April, but rather that none of my friends or family members share the slightest interest in joining me, for whatever reason.

I know many people here enjoy solo travel and its advantages, but for me, the joy of traveling with someone, having conversations, and sharing meals is way more special and enjoyable.

I know that there are redditors meeting up once for a meal or dinner but where can I find groups or individuals interested in planning longer adventures beyond day trips? Where did you find yours?

  1. I’ve never had any luck finding any companions either. There’s always a scheduling mismatch. Bringing my toddler with me, she’s only 3 but she’s always game. 😂😂😂

  2. I was in the same boat as you, really didnt think I could go to Japan solo. Me and my girlfriend were planning a 2 week trip but things didnt work out between us and we broke up. Tickets purchased and hotels booked, I financially could still go by myself and did it.

    Im not gonna lie and say there havent been lonely moments. But its been amazing deciding when and where I want to go all on my own terms. This is my third trip to Japan and it has been the best because of that fact. It helps that I studied Japanese and can hold a basic conversation like ask where things are or order food. Not to mention I have met tons of amazing people, Japanese and foreigners alike.

    Just go for it bro, you got this.

  3. Stay in hostels, book area tours (not huge bus tous), you can also check out the discord too

  4. I would consider to book a hostel or capsule Hotel and make sure you meet some people there.

    Booking Day trips that are in groups might be another solution for you.

    I would´´ t recommend to go with a travel companion from the internet. In the end you might just spend a ton of cash to spend two weeks with someone you don´t get along with.

  5. I was on the same boat a few weeks ago. My partner couldn’t end up going so I went alone. I was bummed, but made the most of it!
    So what I did is I ended up booking tours and activities through AirBnB Experiences and that was such a game changer for me. I was able to meet other travelers and really connected with many of them and all of a sudden I am having dinner and/or drinks with them 😄. Also, if you’re the drinking type, go to a bar at night and you’ll be surprised how many people with strike a conversation with you. I think you’ll also be surprised just how much you can enjoy a trip by yourself. Yes, it’s much better to experience a country as great as Japan with someone, but I’m telling you, you’ll still enjoy it and you’ll be glad you went. Have fun and get out there and meet people. Enjoy!!

  6. Check out some Airbnb Experiences. They can often lead you to meet fellow travelers while you’re traveling.

  7. I’m currently doing 3 weeks alone. There’s been times when I’ve felt lonely but I find jumping into activities helps a lot.

    Last night I had an experience at a quiet and small bar with the Japanese strangers where a card game came out, a japanese business man bought me several drinks and a meal after (I tried to pay him but he refused) and generally had a very social night despite not knowing the language much. Had another night where I messaged the hostel group and met up with a stranger and had a blast with him and a bartender.

    I think solo travelers are more approachable some times then say a couple and you’ll have social experiences if you put yourself out there. For the record I am a shy introvert if you could believe.

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