Weekly Praise Thread – 01 December 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. I submitted my application papers to the uni and have the n2 to look forward to on Sunday.

    A girl from my share house helped me out soo much with the uni application process that I’m not quite sure how to make it even to her. I already gave her a pair of handmade woven socks and gloves from my home country, but I think I should also treat her to a nice dinner or something. She literally spell-checked all my stuff and re-wrote half of my 志望理由書 in proper keigo and added small bits and pieces that really made it shine. She also played the violin in one of my submission pieces and gave good composition advice.

    I kinda like the prepare-for-the-exams crunch mode, as there is no time to lose motivation and everyday feels extremely productive.

  2. Yearly performance review results yesterday. They said I was performing above expectations, so I got promoted! Salary will increase by 15% (closer to 12% after increased deductions) from January onwards. To double on that, the semiannual bonus, around 3 months’ worth of take home pay, just came in this morning. Feelsgoodman

  3. Submitted my extension application to immigration this morning. It went smoothly so I’m hoping there are no issues. I was worried because I switched jobs but it seems all my paperwork was in order.

  4. Looking forward to our daughter’s (2 months old) very first vaccine today noon. Nervous and equally scary too. She have tiny arms😅😅

  5. I’ve got two job interviews lined up. They were part of my complaint but I’m happy that I’m even being considered despite my Japanese ability.

  6. My lunch the past two days has been onigiri made with the rice my students grew. It’s delicious!

    I live in Niigata so it’s the good stuff 👍

  7. – Been eating real good recently. 玄米 and 押し麦 with eggs and fish in the morning, salad and soup for lunch, vegetables/popcorn and fish for dinner. Tea with frozen mikan. Sometimes a protein bar and a cup of chocolate too.

    – Been trying to actually get 6-10 hours of sleep in a night and again. Although I mostly end up with only about 5-7hrs, it’s already an improvement from before.

    – Added weighted horse stance squats to my gym routine and it feels great.

    – started bench pressing seriously again and it seems like my shoulder issues/injury has healed/been resolved :,)

  8. Second praise: I’ve just discovered this amazing weekday breakfast called overnight oats after randomly buying a bag of rolled oats from the supermarket. Never really bought any kind of oat in my life. Before sleeping in for the day put 45g oat on a glass, pour 80ml milk, cover and put in fridge… Next morning, take off cover, drizzle a bit of honey and maple syrup, mix and dig in. How did I not know this stuff earlier??? 4 years+ of my life in Japan, wasting money eating konbini bread or protein bar that tastes meh and is probably full of sugar…

    That being said, what should I put in it other than honey/syrups/dried fruits? I’m thinking cinnamon or chocolate powder, I wonder if it’ll work.

  9. The mayor suggested I be an MC for an upcoming event; I guess it’s not strange since I work in City Hall, but my supervisors were pretty surprised that he remembered my existence (apparently not my name since I was told he called me ‘that foreign girl in international relations’ but hey, I’ll take it)

  10. Wife decided we need to be winter ready by December 1st so brought out the kotatsu and some Christmas decorations. Can’t wait to restart my morning routine of crawling out of bed and straight under the kotatsu. And if this weekend goes to plan we’ve got a fun road trip planned.

    Also, finally found some packets of the Santa Clause KitKats.

  11. Apparently I’ve been nominated to represent foreigners in my city in a meeting with the mayor. Not entirely sure what this is about or who nominated me but it’s a cool opportunity. It’s past the JET recontracting deadline but maybe I can still make my case to convince them not to kick out the 3rd year ALTs.

  12. Life is good lately. Being praised at work, meeting my friends very often and new people as well, eating reeeeal good.

  13. I finally finished cleaning out the kura at my new old house today. Wildlife evicted, disintegrating plastic and newspaper collected, hundreds and hundreds of dishes profitably rehomed with the secondhand restaurant supply company. It was a disgusting weeks-long slog but it makes me so happy to see the empty shelves and floor.

  14. I realise that this isn’t quite the place, but if anyone can find a link for me for a Lawson’s advert where a woman eats a chocolate and then a milk cake and goes into a chocolate and milk trance after eating them, you would not only be praiseworthy, but I would owe you my life.

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