Seeking Study Abroad Summer Programs Recommendation

I am planning to go to Japan this summer in 2024 to do my last required language credit for my degree. I have met with my university’s study abroad department and I have some options, however, I want to see if there are better programs out there. The one I would go with through my college includes tuition, housing (in a dorm), and excursions. But not food or transportation. It is a 6 week program which is fine but I was hoping for 7-8. Cost is $8k and its in the middle of Tokyo.

All of that sounds amazing except the dorm situation and the price. However, I know Tokyo is expensive of course, especially in Shinjuku where that program is. That location is super ideal for me. However, the time of this program is slightly bad as my family won’t be able to come visit for the week after that program ends as they have a work convention.

So I am looking for other programs to cover my bases. But I am having a hard time finding ones that aren’t over $10k for just the program itself.

I am looking for a program that offers Japanese 201 (intermediate level) and hits all my mentioned criteria. If you all have any experience or resources you could share with me, I would greatly appreciate it!

1 comment
  1. Why not ask students at your university for advice on the Japanese language school? It might be an excellent program or maybe they have some alternative suggestions. It seems you need a language school which can EASILY transfer credits to your US university, which limits options (else you get into a bind for graduation).

    You might want to check how close the “dorms” are to the university and see photos of the dorms too. Some “dorms” are a long commute and are of varying quality. Rooms will be very small anyways.

    FYI – There is a significant toll from Japanese language schools if you want credit from your US university. If you contact a Japanese language school directly, you may see much lower tuition rates and they can organise a language school student visa. You would not get a dorm, US university credit, etc. That may be a good option for fun summer study or after you graduate from university. HOWEVER, with the pent-up demand post-pandemic, I can’t say if that “loophole” is as great as it was a few years ago.

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