Kurama-Kibune – Weather Condition in Early-Feb

Hi everyone. My group’s second trip to Japan will be on Feb 6-Feb 20, 2024. However, it will be our first time in Kyoto.

We are working on the itinerary and wanted to include the Kurama/Kibune hike to get away from the crowds. Despite google searches and past posts here, we wanted to know how the weather may be like during the hike?

As it’s still winter time, we might consider skipping if there is a high possibility of snow. This is because we will only have our carry-on for the 3 days we will be at Kyoto. We don’t want to pack winter clothing just for this, as our luggage will be forwarded to Osaka.

Looking forward to hear others’ thoughts about this. Thank you!

1 comment
  1. Usually there won’t be any snow. It will just be dry and cold, but still quite beautiful if you like winter scenery. If there happens to be any kind of storm, then there will definitely be snow. The size of the storm and how quickly it is sunny afterward will decide how long and where any snow sticks around. Either way it will be chilly. Another nice option close to town is the Omuro 88 hike. It’s quite a bit less demanding, but with a big storm can still be pretty snowy for a spell.

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