I got knocked up in Japan. Looking for an abortion. HELP

I(18) woke up yesterday to nausea stomach pain and feeling sick all morning. I haven’t had my period come this month either, so I went straight to the doctor. Lo and behold I was two weeks pregnant. I’m too young for a kid, So I’ve been looking for abortion clinics online. However, the surgery costs about 150,000 yen on average. I could get the baby’s father to pay half to lighten the load but still, it’s a lot. So, I’m trying to see if I can get the new abortion pill here which was said to have cost 30,000 to 50,000 yen. I and the baby’s father are both Americans. Any information helps.


  1. For abortion here, most clinics push for surgery as they can ‘monitor you’. As the abortion is elective, insurance will not cover it. Be aware its quite painful and clinics are very scant with pain relief.

    The most likely place for an abortion pill would be a big hospital. Your best bet is to call around so you don’t waste any time going places.

    If money is an issue, contact the health and welfare office at your local city hall/ward office. It possible if you don’t earn much they can get the cost reduced (but this is really city dependent, I recommend saying the father has gone AWOL). They can also get you in touch with womens groups to support you at this time.


    There will be a lot of people trying to get you to keep the baby but remember its your decision and they need to shut up and piss off.

  2. People here are so uninformed and insistent on presenting their ideas as facts, it’s crazy.

    Access to the abortion pill is about the same as getting a surgical abortion. You need to go to a hospital and have it prescribed to you. Your partner needs to give their consent. It will probably still cost 10 man (the pill, in actually two pills, making up half of the cost).

  3. A bit off topic, but just noticed you refered to the gentleman involved as “the baby’s father” even though you’re looking for ways to ensure there is no baby this time. No judgement or opinion, I just found the phrasing interesting.

  4. At two weeks there is no medical need for a surgical abortion, and a medication induced one would generally be preferable as it is much less invasive. This is available typically until 11 weeks but it is more reliable earlier so you should try to arrange this as soon as possible. Generally this is provided with two separate pills a couple of days apart.

    Japan is significantly behind in terms of abortion provision. Medication abortion was only approved in April this year so provision will likely be poor and you may need to research a lot to find a provider. The name of the approved medication abortion product in Japan is called “Mefeego” and Googling this should help you find clinics local to you offering it. The cost will be lower than a surgical abortion, at around 100,000 yen instead of the 150,000 yen quoted. You will likely need the consent of your partner looking at current regulations (maybe you can leave Japan if this is not possible).

  5. Blows my mind how people can have unprotected sex and then not be able to afford the abortion

  6. My friend went to this clinic in ikebukuro and it’s only 70,000yen. Dm me i will ask her what’s the name of the clinic. Dont panic everything is safe and legal here

  7. Don’t like the baby ? Just throw it away, I’ll give you a new one.
    Jokes aside, condoms are definitely a must

  8. Could you just fly back to the US and get an abortion? It honestly might be cheaper. Better than having to do surgery.

  9. I do hope that you choose not to go through with this. I pray that you and the father will have the strength to go through this for you and your child’s sake.

    If you need someone to talk to, you can contact the Heartbeat International helpline at 1-800-712-HELP or contact [Support@HeartbeatInternational.org](mailto:Support@HeartbeatInternational.org). You can also text or get more information from [https://www.optionline.org/](https://www.optionline.org/).

  10. I know that I posted before, but if you need someone to talk to, you can contact the Heartbeat International helpline at 1-800-712-HELP or contact [Support@HeartbeatInternational.org](mailto:Support@HeartbeatInternational.org). You can also text or get more information from [https://www.optionline.org/](https://www.optionline.org/). Wishing you the best.

  11. Come on over to r/abortion and we can help.

    Also you should know that pregnancy is measured from the first day of your last period, not from conception. So you would be at least 4 weeks pregnant.

  12. I don’t have any advice, but I’m an American who also had a medical abortion in Japan and had to pay out of the nose for it. The cost is the only thing about the experience I regret. I hope you figure this out and sending you strength!

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