Guarantor for PR requirements

I am trying to understand to find a guarantor for my PR application. What does a guarantor need to provide?
It seems the requirements changed in 2022.

  1. Depends on your path. HSPV uses your employer. 10 year conversion, you self sponsor. Spouse is based on your spouse’s income.

  2. When I got PR my spouse was my guarantor. He had to submit financial documents showing that he had enough financial resources to support me if I were no longer working after getting PR.

  3. I think just a jyuminhyo, and filling out / stamping the document. They definitely removed the tax document requirement.

  4. If you’re applying via spousal route then your guarantor is supposed to be your spouse.

    And given you’re required to submit income tax, resident tax, pension, health insurance records, and employment certificates for you AND your household, that would usually by default require you to include your guarantors (your spouse) records too.

  5. When I got PR, my wife was guarantor. Hadn’t worked outside the home in years. Didn’t matter.

  6. As a single foreigner, without HSP, when I did my PR I got my boss to be my guarantor. The only reason I chose him is he has connections in gov, otherwise I would have just used my mate.

    In 2022 they changed the rules so that they don’t need to provide so much intrusive information, just basic identifying info. (I know this cuz I submitted on the day it changed and had to completely redo his info.)

  7. Your guarantor can be anyone with Japanese citizenship or PR. Nowadays you only need 2 things from them.

    – They need to print out [this]( form, fill it by hand, and sign it.
    – Copy of one of their identification if Japanese. Or copy of their residence card (both sides) if PR holder.

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