AI and language learning

Dear English language educators,

We invite you to participate in a research study exploring the perceptions and experiences of English language teachers regarding the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. Your valuable insights will contribute to a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with AI in language teaching.

This study aims to gather information on your demographic background, teaching experiences using AI, and perspectives on AI tools. Your input will help us better understand the role of AI in language learning. Participation is entirely voluntary, and your responses will remain confidential. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. To participate in this survey, please click on this link:

  1. I think AI could work for Japan, but only if they continue to teach and understand language as they have been. AI works if they want to use language as an academic field but it would hinder learning as a creative form of self expression.

    It can also perpetuate the anxiety many people have around speaking English speaking in Japan. Use of AI makes sense for Japan though. Another way to run away from English.

  2. So, you want us to donate our time to help you make something that you hope will put us out of a job? (I don’t think it will, but that seems to be the aim of AI in every field)

    Yeah, I’m gonna pass.

  3. **Section One**
    What country are you currently teaching in?
    What is your highest level of education?
    How many years of experience do you have as an English language teacher (part-time experience can be included)?
    In what type of educational institution do you primarily teach? If you teach in more than one setting, please click on all that apply.
    If other, please specify.
    **Section Two (Agree/disagree)**
    Artificial Intelligence can assist in formative assessment of complex tasks (e.g., open questions, quality of scientific reasoning), and suggest personalized language related feedback in real-time (AI makes diagnosis + action).
    Artificial Intelligence can assist in the development of automated systems for assigning individualized learning paths for students’ self-learning in the English language.
    Artificial Intelligence can assist in creating intelligent agents (robots or software) that may serve as learning pals or teaching assistants that aid in language development.
    Artificial Intelligence can assist in diagnosing students’ language difficulties to help teachers assign personalized tasks that match individual needs (AI makes the diagnosis, the teacher decides intervention).
    Artificial Intelligence can assist teachers with in-class management activities, such as identifying students who are struggling or off-task (AI focuses on management rather than direct learning).
    Artificial Intelligence can improve teacher professional training, especially related to language, for example using AI-based avatars to simulate and practice teaching scenarios.
    **Section Three (Reasons for not trusting AI diagnosis)**
    There are discrepancies between the AI diagnosis and the teacher’s assessment of English language knowledge.
    AI-developers lack nuances of English language.
    AI algorithms do not understand social, emotional, and motivational factors that are very important in English language education.
    The superiority of the teachers’ real-life experience and intuition over a computer’s in the context of English language instruction.
    AI algorithms do not know the history and context of English language learners outside the system.
    Lack of transparency in how AI makes decisions particularly in the context of English language development.
    Removes autonomy and control from English language teachers to AI.
    When AI becomes more prevalent, fewer English language teachers will be required.
    Use of data raises risks to teachers and learner privacy.
    **Section Four (Working alongside AI to improve pedagogy)**
    I fully trust using AI-based personalized learning tools in my English language classroom.
    I believe I will be successful in using AI-based tools for personalization and language support in my classroom when and if they will be available to me.
    I will use AI-based tools for personalization of language lessons in my class when and if they will be available to me.
    I am sure that using AI-based tools for personalization in my English language classroom will require me to make a significant change in my pedagogy.
    As they become more prevalent, AI-based tools for personalized learning for language support will gain my full trust.
    The more I know how an AI-based tool makes decisions, the more I will be able to trust it.
    The more data is available for AI-based tools, the more I will be able to trust its insights.
    I rely on the recommendation of an AI-based tool at least as much as I trust a recommendation from a fellow teacher.
    I rely on the recommendation of an AI-based tool at least as much as I trust a recommendation from an expert in English language teaching, such as a researcher from the department of language education.
    **Section five (open ended questions)**
    Can you share examples of how AI has helped your students learn language better? If you are uncertain, please write N/A.
    What specific AI features do you think make language learning more personalized? If you are uncertain, please write N/A.
    How do you think AI can be improved to include different cultures and languages in language learning? If you are uncertain, please write N/A.
    How do you decide which AI tools to use in your teaching? If you do not use AI tools, please write N/A.
    Do you have any concerns about using AI in language teaching? If you do not have any concerns, please write N/A.

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