Dance Dance Revolution home pads

Anyone know where you can buy home pads? I love the vibe of the arcade, but I’m burning through about 15000 yen per month at this point and being able to practice at home would cut down on that a fair bit.

  1. Do you live somewhere that wouldn’t mind you shaking the place to the ground with your DDRing?

  2. Look up L-TEK. They are the current gold standard mid tier pad. The only thing better are SMX pads but they are prohibitively expensive for any normal person. L-TEK is from Poland though so the shipping sucks. But if you play a lot it’s worth it. If you don’t already know, StepMania is how you play DDR at home now (free, tons of user made lists)… join the subreddits and ask questions if you need to. As for pads from Japan, no nothing really, unless you want a soft pad or a really shitty metal pad that will break in 3 months.

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