Changing Jobs When They Love You

I love the countryside. Currently have a great job in an excellent town. All the schools love me, and I have met a few great people that I’d like to hold on to.

However, my fears of staying there started to realise when I found out that I can’t change my country’s driver’s license to a Japanese license. Long story short, I can’t drive.

However, the schools seem to be fine with it. But I don’t know if Interac will agree. Even if they let me stay is my position still reliable?

I got an interview for direct employment in Sapporo. The place is great and I can get a direct hire. However, I don’t know if it would be wise to change jobs so early after just one year. I’d resign when my contract ends though. I’m just wondering if it would be a wise move?

  1. > Long story short, I can’t drive.

    And driving school isn’t an option?

    Ultimately, no one will be bothered that you changed jobs from Interac to a direct hire position. The direct hire position certain doesn’t care you’ve only got a few months in the country, right?

    Being scared of changing jobs too soon is a thought pattern for careers, not ALT work.

  2. How much of a pain is it to move to a new place? The admin is going to be a storm right? My Number Card, Town Center visits … etc.

  3. Nobody cares if/when you change job, at least not in English teaching. I’ve had 7 jobs in 5 years here already.

  4. Why can’t you change your driving Licence? Did you only get it very recently/shortly before leaving your country?

    If the position you’re assigned requires you to drive, you won’t be able to continue if you aren’t able to. Your current dispatch company will either swap you out with non-driving assignment, or if it’s a condition of your employment, simply let you go.

    That said, a direct hire position usually pays significantly better than a dispatch position.

  5. I understand many people here are old timers and have heard the same question a million times, but understand that some people were born under a rock in Africa … the answers might not be so obvious to them…

  6. This may be stupid but can you get a Gentsuki (50cc bike) licence in the interim? It’s quite simple the get and no driving school needed. I know it’s not ideal but if you’re desperate for something?

  7. Do what’s best for you. Don’t factor in emotional elements. Obviously don’t fuck people over – but you don’t owe anyone anything. Look after yourself.

    Make the move. Sapporo is the best city in the country too.

  8. I assume you’re young but if you’re working towards a better position and pay, your past experience as a teacher doesn’t matter. By moving up fast actually looks better. Unless if you’re switching same jobs too frequently.

    I’m a Sr Software Engineer, and got promoted every year within the past 4 years, which is rare! My salary jumped from 10M to now 35M.

    Just focus getting to your goals, no matter how fast, but also have a good balance in life.

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