Where to see White Santa?

I want my daughter to have the classic Mall Santa experience, I did it growing up and it really reinforced the magic of Christmas. Wondering if this is available anywhere in Japan, we’re in Tokyo but could travel for this experience. She thinks Santa Claus is White, as depicted in many western books, tv and media, so Santa needs to be a White, preferably older stocky man or she won’t believe it and won’t get the full Magic of Christmas.

As a last resort we could hire someone directly, but would be hard to arrange the costume, scenery, elves, etc.

  1. There used to be a guy who’d done Miyagase for decades, we had pictures of him with the kids back when film was the common format. Unfortunately he hasn’t been there in about 10 years so i can’t help. The last time they had a Santa there it was a Japanese guy in a cheap Daiso outfit. The other times they had a group of girls in Sexy Santa’s Helper outfits you could take pictures with – very disappointing. I was thinking about setting something up given my santa like visage but alas I make to much money with my real job to take the time off to play Santa.

  2. Santa doesn’t have a race. It’s a common misconception.

    The figure in the red suit is the only way the human brain knows how to process the nth-dimensional entity we call Santa, and the details of his appearance are just filled in by whatever our preconceived notions lead us to expect.

    To perceive the real Kringle-mass, look to the shadow on the ground that Santa appears to cast. Mind you don’t step in it though, or you may find yourself the newest elf toiling in his nightmare workshop realm.

  3. Oof, this post.

    But to answer your question Tokyo Dome City has Santa. Went last year. Be prepared to wait over 2hrs in line though.

  4. If your daughter is big enough to care about race, she’s big enough to learn there is no real Santa.

    The original Saint Nic was brown. Merry Xmas.

  5. You can hire a white old man to dress up for you and your children, sure.

    Expecting Japan to furnish you a Santa of a particular race is highly unlikely to happen.

  6. Is this satire?

    I can’t believe I’m reading this. Are you teaching your daughter that Jesus was a blonde white dude who looked like he just rolled out of a dank af VW van at Woodstock too? Does Santa need to be white though? Like… damn, the man isn’t even real.

  7. Maybe, just maybe, don’t have your kid believe in some bullshit fairy tale with race built in?

    Western parents: “Sorry kids, that story about the Santa Clause guy that judged if you were good or not was completely made up, but *this* story about the Jesus guy that judges you if you’re good or bad, that’s completely real! Honest!”

    I’m honestly starting to come around to the idea of needing competency exams for parenthood.

  8. KFC usually dress Colonel Sanders up like Santa at this time of year. That’s probably your best bet

  9. I’m pretty sure most mall have white santas
    Especially if you visit Roppongi or Minami Azabu.
    Not to mention that santas roots in europe are black but I guess you don’t want to hear about that.

  10. I doubt your little kid can see race, it’s just Santa… and if your daughter is out being proactively racist, maybe she’s old enough to not believe in Santa anymore

  11. Is this actually real?

    I was always terrified of Mall Santas. When walking past a mall santa, I always made sure to have my mom or dad between myself and the santa, just in case he suddenly decided to try and get me. If sitting on some random man’s lap (white or not) is the difference between a magic-filled Christmas vs a Normal dull Christmas… I’ll take the latter, please and thank you.

  12. your daughter is both young enough to believe in santa yet old enough to be racist and I’m sure that’s entirely your doing. hire your own santa.

  13. He’s a magical man that goes down chimneys. Tell her he can look however he wants to look. Maybe he changes based on the country he visits! Who knows.

    I remember going to the mall and seeing Santa’s of all kinds as a kid. It didn’t ruin the magic for me. I didn’t even think about it.

    But then again, I’m assuming this is a troll post.

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