What to do next

Hi all,

I set out to learn Japanese a couple weeks ago and now i’m stuck on what to do next. I’ve learned niragana and katakana in the sense that I know all the dakuten and yoon and can connect different words together. I can read out sentences in anime and any news outlets that have any niragana and katakana. I have no idea what the sentences mean, but I can stil read them out. I don’t know any kanji or grammar. What should I learn next and how should I learn the next thing.

  1. I would start by picking up a basic grammar guide that explains the basics of how sentences are structured. When you go through it focus only on memorizing whatever you think you need to memorize to understand the most basic 1% of whatever media you want to watch.

    This means that you shouldn’t put any effort into memorizing conjugation tables entirely or doing writing exercise.

    Once you have that done go back to trying to understand whatever you were watching.

  2. I recommend you start by reading a few guides on how to learn Japanese. There are several different ways to approach learning a language, so not all guides are the same and you ultimately can choose for yourself which methods appeal most to you. Here are a few I personally like:

    This subreddit’s wiki/starter guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/wiki/index/startersguide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/wiki/index/startersguide/)



    Good luck!

  3. Genki I and its workbook. Buy it off amazon or pirate it off Library Genesis. Either way, it’s well structured and gives you lots of milestones to check off so you clearly know you’re making progress. If you do Genki I & II you’ll learn about 1700 words and a lot of grammar that will put you in a decent place to where you can really start learning from easier native material.

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