What’s the proper etiquette for a small cold water bathe at a hotel spa (sento?)

I saw people mostly using the bucket for a quick pour over the head. Am I allowed to dip my body fully in or is this frowned upon? Also should I rinse between every different pool and sauna? I know you should after the sauna but wonder about switching from different bathtubs and the cold tub.

  1. in the cold water bath, people do put their head under. still no towel
    usually people dont stay in the cold water, its in, and out

    in the warm water, people keep their head over the water

    you usually do not rinse off when switching from one bath to the other. if the previous bath was scented or “medicated” I usually rinse off (bucket method) before heading into the “clean” pool.

    when you are sweaty (like from the sauna, or anything really) I think its just right to rinse before heading into any pool, be it warm or cold. just use the bucket method.

    (and when you use the bucket method, or in general) always be mindful, you are not alone, and someone may not be too happy when you splash them with your water… so pour the bucket over you in a way you dont splash too much on other people

  2. You can definitely dip your body in. I go to onsens multiple times a week and see lots of Japanese doing this and I do it myself. Just make sure to dump the bucket or rinse off in the shower area real quick after the sauna. It’s considered impolite to go straight from the sauna (where you sweat) straight to any bath. From bath to bath, don’t worry about the same.

  3. It’s my favourite part of Dormy Inn’s baths (also saw this in some onsens in Kurokawa Onsen Town). You soak in the normal warm bath, then dip in the cold bath for as long as you can, get up and experience that oddly satisfying feeling, then dip back into the warm bath, and repeat.

  4. Bring yourself a big towel and small towel. I’m sure most places you can pay a fee to use them, especially if it’s a hotel one. Wash yourself before heading into the bath. Some onsens you just use buckets to rinse off beforehand. Sento will have body soap/shampoo. You can put body soap in bucket with warm water, and lather with your small towel to scrub your body. Then rinse. But honestly do it however you want. It’s your cleaning. You can also cool your towel after. Once your clean you can go in any bath you want.

    Only real rule just don’t dip your head under water. And keep your towel on your head. Or tie it around your head. Use it to wipe sweat off etc. Everyone can say there are different rules, but even Japanese don’t know all them. Don’t be concerned. I’ve seen people jump straight into cold bath right after sauna, I’ve seen people rinse too. No one is going to bat an eye. Once you’re done, rinse off before heading back and dry off feet etc with your small towel before going to the locker room.

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