Iphone 14 pro in tokyo

Hi everyone,

Need help in buying an iphone 14 pro from tokyo. I am visiting japan for 15 days. Iphone14 pro doesn’t seems to be there in any of the apple store. Is there any shops where I can get iphone 14 pro in tokyo?

I am new to this place, thanks in advance.

  1. Don’t advise you buying iPhone there, it produces a shutter sound whenever a photo is taken, and this can’t be turned off in the settings.

    Due to this, it’s better to buy it from your country even if you find a good deal after tax deduction.

  2. I think any official apple partner store will not have them in Japan.

    Your best bet would be visiting Akihabara , and if you are up for it, can check second hand iPhone in Akihabara

  3. The 14 Pro is last year’s phone. Check electronic stores if they have it, Apple’s gonna display the 15 Pro as it’s the latest and greatest.

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