Question regarding employment gap

Hi everyone,

I was wondering how a several month / 1-year employment gap would be perceived in Japan.

I am in tech in the US, in which I personally know people who have not had any trouble getting a job coming off of an extended employment gap. Typically, it is not a big deal as long as there is a valid explanation and you can pass the interview.

I was wondering how it is typically perceived in Japan? I’m asking as someone who has 8+ years of continuous employment with a college degree so no prior gaps. Definitely I am not asking as someone who has little to show beyond the employment gap. Perception may be industry-specific, in which I case I am more interested in the IT industry in Japan.

I did search around in reddit in the Japan-related subreddits, but the little hits I found were a couple years old, so I’m wondering if the answer is different now in the current economy o Japan.

I’m currently employed, so this is just out of curiosity in future planning. Appreciate any feedback, especially from those in IT in Japan, thanks in advance.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question regarding employment gap**

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering how a several month / 1-year employment gap would be perceived in Japan.

    I am in tech in the US, in which I personally know people who have not had any trouble getting a job coming off of an extended employment gap. Typically, it is not a big deal as long as there is a valid explanation and you can pass the interview.

    I was wondering how it is typically perceived in Japan? I’m asking as someone who has 8+ years of continuous employment with a college degree so no prior gaps. Definitely I am not asking as someone who has little to show beyond the employment gap. Perception may be industry-specific, in which I case I am more interested in the IT industry in Japan.

    I did search around in reddit in the Japan-related subreddits, but the little hits I found were a couple years old, so I’m wondering if the answer is different now in the current economy o Japan.

    I’m currently employed, so this is just out of curiosity in future planning. Appreciate any feedback, especially from those in IT in Japan, thanks in advance.

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  2. Not as long, but I’m an experienced software engineer with several one month gaps between jobs. No one ever asked about them in any of my interviews.

  3. The only time a gap has actually mattered in my work history was when I got clearance. Immigration doesn’t care, and a prospective job might inquire but you can just say “I took some personal time” or “I did some self studies” or whatever.

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