I receive a mail coming from my ISP

about copyright infringement

i was scared shitless because of this , ive been living in japan for almost 8 yrs and this is the first time happened. it was stated i downloaded a file on dec 12 2022. and it said i was using a torrent. i was shock because i didnt even know what is a torrent, im always at work monday to saturday . what should i do? should i send my information or should ignore it?


i also think my pc was hack because the time i upgraded to windows 11 my windows security is not responding this happen around march 2022 . help guys

  1. It can happen if your wifi password is very easy or if you shared it with friends, neighbors, etc.

    Likely the letter you received is a warning but depending on the copyright owner they may request damages.

    Did the letter say what they want or is it a warning?

  2. Was it post mail or email? If it was email it was probably phishing. If it was post mail call your ISP directly. The mail you received sounds suspicious.

  3. I used to manage a guesthouse and we would occasionally get these letters because guests must have been torrenting stuff using the WiFi.
    The owner told me to ignore them, so I did, and nothing came of them over the year that I worked there.

  4. Is that a 発信者情報開示に係る意見照会書? If so, DO NOT IGNORE IT. Unless it is a scam, that is a very first step of a legal action. If you refuse, what most likely happen is: the ISP refuses to disclose to the claimant. The claimant appeals to the court. Your ISP makes an unmotivated rebuttal based on the reasons for refusal you wrote and loses the case. They don’t appeal to a higher court and disclose your address. You finally receive a complaint from a court a year later or so, when you almost forgot about this.

    Hire a lawyer ASAP so that you can take the best possible action.

  5. No need to take any action as of now, its just a warning when they are serious it will come from lawyer office

  6. Downloading torrents pretty often here, no issues whatsoever, might be a scam, better check it through

  7. Where was the mail from? If it’s from the court, don’t ignore it. If it’s from a law office or anywhere else, ignore it.

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