Official JLPT Thread

Just to cut down on the clutter, all JLPT stuff goes here.

Any other threads will be removed.

  1. Took the N3 again. Felt better about it this time, so I’ve got my fingers crossed, wasn’t far from passing last time and certainly felt like I knew more answers this time.

    Poor fool across from me got a red card after the listening section finished because he pulled his phone out of his bag. The first proctor told him to put it away, and seemed to go back to wrapping up the session, but an old gray haired proctor leaned in on him when he circled back to the front of the section. You could see the old guy chastising the first proctor then went over and ejected the guy who’d pulled out his phone.

    I don’t feel too bad for the guy, since the rules on touching phones and stuff are pretty clear, but that’s got to hurt to actually make it through the test and then get booted for something completely stupid and avoidable.

  2. Took N1, it was about as hard as expected.
    Finished just in time, many kanji I haven’t seen ever, interesting articles, tricky multi-choice answers, more and more gairaigo and confusing listening part to give Chinese a challenge I guess.

    I think I got it this time.

  3. Took N3. Not super confident, but if I pass, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Reading and listening were fine, I was confident with my grammar answers (which usually means they’re incorrect), and vocab was so-lala.

    Very much looking forward to finishing Like a Dragon: Gaiden as I promised myself I’d do once I finished. 🙂

  4. Took JLPT for the first time. N3. Likely bombed the vocabulary section. When does the result come out?

  5. Tried N1 for the first time, I haven’t particularly studied anything in a long time, so I did find some new things that I hadn’t seem before but I think I did good. Overall for me: kanji was hard, grammar very easy, reading had a few confusing questions and listening had a few questions harder than I expected but should be good.

  6. I picked up N2 way back in 2013, and have been living in Japan for ~7 years now. I should probably grab N1 at some point, but taking standardized tests is about as pleasurable as waterboarding for me, so I can never get around to it.

    Meanwhile, I know some people who have taken N1 5 or 6 times because they want to get a perfect score. Geez. Impressive, but that’s something I could never do.

    And yes, I know I chose the wrong country to live in if I hate tests and certifications this much.

  7. Gonna fail N2 this time…

    Didn’t even get time to read three of the passages in the reading section. 😂

  8. Took N3 for the second time, first was in July. The July test felt like I was guessing on most of it save for listening which ended up being my highest, despite not doing any listening practice questions, but I listen to Japanese at work daily so while I was surprised at first it made sense.

    This time: vocab/kanji was maybe 50/50, though I’ll say on the good side. Grammar was tough and I know it’s my worst, but I’m fairly sure the reading portion carried me and I think I did well on it. Listening I am fairly sure I got nearly all correct except for maybe one or two at the end.

    Was sure I failed last time and I did. Hopeful that I passed this time, it seems possible.

  9. Can’t believe I spent so much time on onomatopoeia and there was one! And it was just about dry skin!

  10. Took the N2. Had to strategize for the reading section. When I started I had about 4min per question but at I had ten questions left at the 30min mark so I went to the back of the test and worked from there. A lot of educated guessing but weirdly enough this is the best I’ve ever felt about a JLPT section.

    Listening on the other hand…well that was wild. Usually I never study listening and it’s my highest score but that DEFINITELY won’t be the case for today’s test. Why do they talk so fast 😭

  11. I did the N4, and unless I’m mistaken one of the conversations between the guy and girl student had such a weird conclusion 😳

    The question: “Where will the guy go first after the conversation?”

    Here’s a rough translation of how the listening conversation went:

    He was like “I’m going to go to the library!”

    She’s like “Yeah, whatever”

    He’s like “Oh shit, where’s my smartphone?! I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave it at home…”

    She’s like “Oh noooo, not your precious smartphone”

    He goes “I might have left it in the classroom, I’ll have to check when we have class again tomorrow…”

    She’s like “Uh-uhh, remember after class how I was flirting with you in the cafeteria but you were playing hard to get and scrolling through your Insta feed?”

    He goes “Ah, that’s right! I was texting my daddy on Grindr in the dining hall! I must have left it there!”

    She says “Right! It must be in the cafeteria! It must be empty now, if we went together you and I would be all alone, with nobody watching…”

    Then, to my surprise, he says “Yes, it must be in the cafeteria! But I’m going to the library first.”

    Ummm… The LIBRARY?! You would delay fetching your lost phone to go to the library first?! Did I completely misunderstand that conversation?!

  12. N2. Took it at a local university. What a difference a small classroom of 50 students versus a lecture hall of 500+ makes. Everyone followed every direction and no one caused a stir. The proctors were relaxed and efficient and even apologized profusely at the end because at the end of the day, we finished one minute behind the posted times.

    Not overly confident although I felt listening was okay which surprised me. Really highlighted how much I want/need to practice reading.

  13. Took the N1, I understand like 45% to 50%ish of the whole questions. Chances of passing is pretty slim but just gonna hope for the best and stay positive. And also…. デマ??wtf ! never heard this one.

  14. Took N1 and think I passed within the 70-80 range.

    The time limit was a major pain. I finished the last question with less than a minute left, and I felt like I was rushing the whole time. Even though I understood almost everything, the time limit feels really strict.

    Does anyone know when/where they release the test/answer guide?

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