Is Okinawa a good place for holiday in December?

I am planning to go to Okinawa during New years for a week. I know Okinawa is a tropical place but i still worried if I would be able to enjoy the beach and other water activities such as snorkelling. Please advise if you have been there personally during Dec or Jan.

Thanks in advance

  1. I think so yes. It is cheap and not much people at this time of the year. The water temp is bearable, like a very cold shower or equivalent to the cold bath in onsen.

  2. The next big island down, Miyakojima, is 4C warmer than Okinawa right now.
    24C vs 20C

    But tbh I don’t think either is warm enough without a wetsuit. For me. I need it to be at least 28C outside.

  3. When I lived there I never swam those months. In winter there’s a chilling wind blowing that makes it feel much colder than the temperature reading.

  4. It’s warmish but not actually tropical feeling. Plus being Japan, hotel pools are closed and probably some beaches if they can manage it.

  5. Just got back from Naha last weekend. Highs of 27 and never dipped below 21 at night.

    Marine activities in winter will depend on where in Okinawa are you planing to go to. The waves on some beaches will be too high and rough, while others will be ok. Also seasonal tides and high winds will bring more flotsam to some beaches depending on where they’re located.

    People don’t swim in the ocean in winter because they’ll shiver and get cold when they get out. The water is warm but it’s the cooler air temp you have to worry about. If you have a wetsuit, you can enjoy most marine activities. In fact, there are more snorkelling and diving enthusiasts in the winter season because of less tourists and clearer waters.

  6. Was there last month. Final month to be there before December IMO. Best is October-early Nov. when most of the typhoons have passed and is still somewhat warm. This year it was record-breaking hot though, like still 30 degrees in early November. I personally would not go in Dec-Jan though.

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