Questions about the FBI Background Check/Fingerprints

hello! first-time accepted JET here. i know there’s tons of posts about this already, but i am still really confused about the background check/fingerprinting stuff, and i’m concerned because the deadline is coming up soon. i haven’t received anything about my background check? Am I fucked?

  1. Did you do it directly with the FBI or with a channeler? I did my application with the FBI and they sent me an email after about 7 days saying my results were ready. Then I just sent my coordinator the original email with the link and pin (digital request).

  2. Looks like it’s been answered already, but you can make an appointment to go to a post office and have them take your prints electronically. The results will come WAY quicker. They say up to a few days, but I got mine before I even got home from the post office.

    Contact the FBI, Post office, and Japanese consulate with any further questions and how to make an appointment.

  3. I actually got the process done in a few days with the post office! Took 50 dollars + 18 sadly.

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