My situation I need help

I’ve been with my girlfriend for over a year. I lost my job and apartment 9 months ago and she ask me to move in with her. She told me that I don’t have to pay rent or utilities just food until I get a new job. I finally got a full time job and a part time job and we got in to a big fight. Her friends are saying that she can kick me out if we break up and since I finally have a job I don’t have time or money for a new apartment or sharehouse. I wanted to know what are the laws in Tokyo about common marriage and eviction. Can she just kick me out and I will be on the streets or does she have to give me time to move as a foreigner. (She is native japanese)

  1. If you aren’t on the lease, and you have no rental agreement in writing and/or can be backed up with records of regular payments, then unfortunately you aren’t entitled to rental rights. She can give you a certain amount of time to pack your stuff and leave if she wants to avoid the trouble of holding your items against your will.

    There is no such thing as common law marriage in Japan.

  2. She asked you to move in and you don’t pay rent. Your name isn’t on the lease. She’s been extremely kind to you but obviously the moment she changes her mind, it’s time to “hit the road Jack”….grow up & move on.

  3. Must have been a big fight. Why would you want to force the situation of you living there even though she don’t want you there, especially as she was kind enough to let you stay there for free

  4. You being a foreigner has nothing to do with whether she can kick you out or not.

    First of all – you’re a grown-ass adult. Act like one.

    Second – why are ‘her friends’ talking to you about what she can or can’t do? Why are you talking to her friends, the issue is between you and your girlfriend – you should be talking to her.

    Third – do you want to have a relationship with this person? She’s let you live rent free for nine months, ffs; it sure seems like she’s been more than generous. What was the fight about?

    If you want to have a relationship with her, talk to HER – not her friends. Start communicating and contributing to the relationship.

    If you *don’t* want to have a relationship with her, be as polite as possible and ask for time to leave, gather your things and leave. You have a job now, go spend a few days in a cheap business hotel for a few days while you find a place to live.

    Why the hell you think you can simply declare yourself ‘married’ is baffling. Have you even spent a second thinking about her thoughts on all of this?

    I understand that this is probably a stressful time and all, but honestly – you come across as a helpless, entitled child in this post. WTF were you doing for *nine months* while your gf supported your sorry ass?

    I’ll repeat – *you’re an adult.* Act like one.

  5. Are you a child?

    She kindly let you stay in her home, you’re not on the lease, you’re damn right she can kick you out and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    Grow up.

  6. I’m not sure you could claim common marriage in your case. You probably don’t have any legal status that would protect you from getting thrown out if that’s what she wants to do. It’s hard to figure how you went from a sympathy invite to stay there rent-free to being on the verge of getting thrown out. Maybe resolving the conflict between the two of you would be the most sensible course of action.

  7. What was the fight about?

    Anyway you aren’t entitled to anything it seems so get ready

  8. in another words since you have a job, she asked you to pay the rent for the next 9 months and you dont want to, enjoy.

  9. Dude, you screwed up. You argued with the hand that feeds you. That’s a big L. If you can not make up for whatever you did, try to be humble and ask her if you can keep your stuff there for a short period of time and get a business hotel to stay in.

    If she refuses, check out those self-storage locations and get something to hold your gear until you find a place to stay.

    Basically, you made your bed and now you have to sleep in it.

    Save as much money as you can to pay for a place, look outside of your immediate area for a place, chances are there are shared houses or such you can work with as well. They might be cheaper too.

    Learn when you are counting on someone else’s kindness, you suck up problems as much as possible and plan your escape before being told to leave. Don’t fight back thinking you are an equal – you are counting on them to take care of you. Like it or not.

    I do wish you luck. My last advice is don’t be petty or angry, even if she instigated most of this, you got yourself in the situation. Get out of it, learn from this and move on.

  10. Common marriage? Give you time as a foreigner?

    Just get out if she wants you to. She’s been awfully nice to you.

  11. You got a full time job and a part time job? wtf?
    Also with two jobs why can’t you afford your own housing?

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