Why haven’t the JLPT answers leaked yet?

Yesterday morning I took the n5 JLPT test and I’m surprised no one has yet attempted to upload their answers/recreate the exam with the answers.

Is the JLPT test different for every country so it’s difficult to compare and upload answers? If not then I don’t understand why no one has shared their answers.

Example: In the last question of the reading I chose only 食べ物 . Did you guys have a different question there?

  1. There are answers (without questions yet) already for N2 in unojapan something website, not sure for other levels tho.

  2. Like you said in one of your comments N1-N3 is usually much easier to find than N4 and N5. If I had to guess I would suppose people just care about them less. Think about the demographics behind who usually leaks it (Chinese and Vietnamese, who usually take the test to try and get into Japan for work) versus the value of the tests (usually only N2 and above is considered useful for work on here, but sometimes certain jobs will want an N3, but usually never N4 or N5) and it will come together.

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