2023 JET Placements

Has anyone found out their placement yet for the August arrivals?

  1. Oooooooof, maybe edit this and add a question mark to the title so it isn’t a completely jumpscare? 😭😭

  2. Nothing in Australia yet. I only heard it will be in the next couple of weeks, and our arrival date will likely be 30th of July as per a consulate email.

  3. Just got shown the two people coming to my area by someone at my BoE because they needed to know how to translate the names into katakana lol. Hope I didn’t mess up your names

  4. No departure date or placement emails sent out through the Hawaii consulate.

  5. I got my placement today! I’m going to Kyoto-Shi 😀 CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!


  6. I’m in Osaka City 🥹 Departure from my territory is August 6th.

  7. I’m incoming for August 5th, going to mieken but not sure what school or city yet. Hit me up sometime, trying to make friends 😅

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