I’m posting as it was. No names blurred, since the point of this post isn’t to shame anyone. That said, I suggest downloading these images in case the mods deem it inappropriate

  1. Good work. If things go as I think they might in the whole eikaiwa story, this thread might actually be quite important.

  2. I had it on my iPad, shared the link with friends, and went about my day. An hour later, the poster had deleted their stuff, and it was assumed gone.
    At the end of my day, I opened my iPad Reddit app, and it was still open to the page, including every post, so, yeah, I had to take screenshots.

  3. u/bachwerk it’s not directly related to teaching, but it is significant to warrant additional discussion. We also participated a bit ourselves, both on the thread and privately.

    Having said, if it spirals way out of control, we’ll probably end up locking it.

  4. Excellent job on that. It’s unbelievable how this manager thought they could justify their utterly unacceptable practices in a public setting!

  5. This is apropos of nothing, but can we just take a moment to laugh at the manager of an English school using the wrong ‘it’s’ in their title.

  6. Not gonna lie, the new management from Nova is making some ballsy and unethical moves, even if those choices are Legal.

  7. Ahhh, the old “unions are communists for not wanting to be fucked by owners” argument. Solid argument, right there.



  9. 1550 a lesson? It was 2000 yen/lesson when I was at GABA in *1999* (down from 2500 yen/lesson when I interviewed with them six months earlier). I guess this means they’ve lowered the price for the students. No? It’s double what it was then? I am shocked, SHOCKED! to find Eikaiwa chicanery going on here.

  10. Someone is probably being fired over this and it would be karma if he had to work at GABA as a teacher

  11. I just hope the takeaway from all this is don’t be so desperate to come to Japan that you take literally any job from the bottom of the barrel employers… it saves you the headache of dealing with unethical employment practices.

  12. This is hilariously wrong on so many levels:
    1. The Gaba ‘financial punishment’ for employees being sick or getting hurt is pure slavery.
    2. This Gaba ‘manager’ taking it upon themselves to justify these practices is either a total idiot (Gaba will sue him/her for discussing internal matters without a green light and answers supervision from the HQ) or…
    3. Gaba HQ is so full of idiots that they thought it would be a great idea to pretend to be some one happy manager taking it upon themselves to justify slavery terms of employment.
    I can’t believe this insanity.

  13. Appreciate you saving this, I felt like the person self deleted after 15-20min.

    I considered this company once upon a time, but saw a lot of red flags that I thought “ehhh maybe I can deal with it to get the visa.” So glad I didn’t move forward and listened to my gut back then, because this poster really drew a line under things I already found questionable (low pay, work conditions, unfavorable policies, etc) and brought up things I didn’t know.

    The idea of punishing your employees with fines or the wild idea that you can somehow earn a negative paycheck blows my mind on its own, but having someone supposedly in management earnestly defending the practice? loool

  14. Fining people for being sick and not being able to work is so unethical. The fact that it’s got this far along without any directors saying “this is flat out wrong and we shouldn’t be doing it” is disgusting. Nova just should not exist.

  15. I worked at a Gaba studio in Tokyo until fairly recently.

    Reading the potentially real comments of a Gaba ISL/ISM trying to calm the storm is truly something.

    It makes things much worse when you know how heavily these people slack on the job and try their hardest to look busy.

    They aren’t affected by these changes and defend them heavily, but ignore how problematic these things are for other instructors, other human beings who work to live just like them.

    Ive heard of a bloke who became one of the upper managers fairly recently who quickly took advantage of the perks of his new position. Given the current situation at Gaba, it seems like an odd thing to do when you know others are struggling around you but you flaunt your benefits in their face.

  16. Lol these people have always been crooks. Who in their right mind would work for such scumbags.

  17. I reckon it was actually a team of their collective top managers….. putting their heads together…

  18. “Due to a lot of Filipino instructors, who can’t show up to their lessons and disregard time, it’s THEIR fault that we have this policy of taking money out of YOUR pay check.”

    What a way to perpetuate negative stereotypes about a whole population of people and deflecting the real issue; straight up corporate greed.

  19. So to summarize : Your policies are evil and should be illegal, how do you sleep at night?
    “No they’re good policies, they help corporate mitigate losses!”
    It’s blatant exploitation, and it’s sickening it was even considered

  20. I don’t know which is my favorite part: being made to pay a small fee because you got hit by a car and are in a coma, or the pro-communist stance of the union…

  21. Please take a moment to help our Gaba local win their dispute to stop the school from lowering their work conditions.

    We demand Gaba retract all recent changes, including forcing teachers to register as “qualified invoice issuers” (QII), thereby raising their tax burden and introducing the cruel fines you see in this ballot. In collective bargaining, Gaba management said they will fine teachers who cancel on the day (on top of not paying them wages), even if it’s due to serious illness. We want all Gaba (& Nova) teachers, counselors and middle managers to join us soon.

    Contact Tozen Gaba local care officer, Louis Carlet (, for any questions, comments, ideas or feedback.

    Thank you!

  22. There was some casual racism with how Filipinos are implied to be subpar employees, and then this guy tries to back track and say “but actually, it’s good we get so many people from around the world.” Even though it’s clear that he’s drawing a direct line between teachers not calling in to cancel and their employees, sorry “independent contractors”, primarily coming from the Philippines.

  23. The guy’s posts just oozed contempt for teachers. And that was in a public forum where they were trying to make GABA sound reasonable!

  24. Imagine waking up from a coma and being told you are at fault for being a victim in an accident and that you owe your employer money.

    The company is so vile I will have no sympathy for upper management if the thing went bust and they lost their jobs.

  25. If their goal was to promote GABA they really did a fantastic job on selling their company as being one of the blackest Eikawa. Just fact that “PERHAPS you can be excused from the fine by HQ if you end up in an accident” is just mind blowing. Also 10 years and they’re only paid 300000? Even Aeon and Berlitz pay their instructors 270000-290000 at the start. I really hope that OP was a troll cuz if not then GABA is seriously running a English teaching sweatshop.

  26. “It’s not exploitative! This is how it works in capitalist countries like Japan, etc.”
    “The union is pro-communist”
    Man, that’s just proof that capitalism is sorta… shit. Some dude probably wrote a book about this.
    “Filipinos and their lack of punctuality, and inability ‘to follow simple rules’ are the reason why we have to fine teachers. No, we aren’t racist!”

  27. “Part of the community? You are a foreigner. ”


    That tells me all I needed to know about what type of lonely, miserable life this asshole lives.

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