Gaba AMA?

Hey all!

Looks like I missed something here.

Did Gaba do an AMA in here today? If so, did anyone catch any screenshots?


  1. This morning there was a Q&A session with a person who claimed to be a GABA manager. People were posting that he was doing it at the bequest of GABA. But clearly, he was acting independently. I suspect GABA found out and worked out who he was and told him to take it down. Acting as an ‘unofficial spokesperson’ of a company in the media can lead to people being put into the doodoo.

    Anyway, I suspect the ‘manager / trainer’ class will be eliminated from GABA in the coming months. That’s what happened at NOVA. The new management has already eliminated the IT team at GABA

  2. It was pretty bad. It would have been nice if people actually gave questions but everyone basically asked “why does Gaba suck so bad?”

    The gaba person basically said “well, everyone else is exploiting loop holes in the law so idk why we are so bad” and “we’ve had teachers screw us over so that’s why we fine them”

  3. Everything was twisted to the positive. Choose your own schedule, lots of time to study Japanese. I think they wanted to feel like a manager for 5mins.

  4. For context: yesterday, a new document was shown on Reddit, stating that teachers missing class (for anything from standard sick leave, to bereavement leave, to a whole mess of things) could be forced to pay Gaba up to ¥6500 in compensation.

    This document quickly made the rounds in a variety of Japan sub-reddits, where many people, myself included, assumed such an absurd document must be a parody, while many Gaba/NOVA employs chimed in to confirm that it was indeed a real, recently distributed document. Needless to say, Gaba/NOVA’s already awful reputation took a massive nosedive in an extremely short period.

    Additionally, while this is all happening, many Gaba employs who are with the Tozen Union are striking in an action against Gaba’s unethical practices.

    SO then came this morning. About 8 am, someone claiming to be a (current, non-Japanese) Gaba manager opened up an AMA to “clear up some misconceptions”.

    It…was pretty terrible. While a lot of shade was cast at Gaba, a bunch of legitimate questions were asked regarding Gaba’s unethical behavior. To say the responses didn’t help would be a colossal understatement.

    It ranged from:

    -tone-deaf, “if you don’t have class (and thus aren’t getting paid), hey, it’s more time to study Japanese!”, and, “look, the fine for missing a class isn’t *that* much” (instead of admitting that a fine for missing class for being sick is shitty regardless of the amount).

    -outright denial that gyomi itaku contract workers were exploited or taken advantage of (even when confronted with evidence of legal battles that determined Gaba was doing exactly that)

    -and some bizarre admissions that couldn’t be avoided (when confronted with specific questions), followed by desperate attempts to play it down (I am of course talking about the infamous moment where the manager awkwardly confirmed that according the new rules, someone who got hit by a car and got put into a coma would indeed owe Gaba money, followed by them desperately trying to explain that it would of course be put to the higher ups who could determine whether or not money would be owed)

    It became apparent very quickly that this person, despite their best efforts (and they did seem to be genuinely trying) simply couldn’t control the narrative when faced with so much empirical evidence of wrong-doing, and less than an hour after it started, nuked their account/deleted all of their posts.

    If you’re curious about the thread, it can be accessed via my and other people’s comment history. The manager’s text are all deleted, but people’s questions and replies, as well as the times people respond to quotes, offer some good context into what went wrong.

    Edit: typos

  5. It was not a rogue employee, it was clearly someone gaba sent to try and control the narrative. They did a horrible job and deleted the burner account after an hour or so.

  6. This guy was a fucking idiot. I sent the pics to my friend at the labour union and he laughed his ass off. They basically handed their ass to the unions on a plate

  7. I love the fact that we’re watching this happen in real time. Unfortunately nothing’s gonna happen to the company I guess

  8. Can the Gaba Union please do an AMA so that they can answer some of this? Because like seriously, I’d love what’s actually happening to be shared.

  9. Well, I missed that but I was the curriculum designer for Gaba up until 2010. My team and I wrote all of their textbooks (which I think they still use). If anyone wants to talk about that, I am always open to it.

  10. About what you would expect, apparently people love working there according to the person who started it lol

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