Police Arrest Japan Taxi Driver After Running Over Pigeon

Police Arrest Japan Taxi Driver After Running Over Pigeon


  1. Is this a joke?

    And is that the pigeon in the picture? He looks well pissed off, as one might expect.

  2. “Tokyo police had a veterinarian perform a post-mortem on the hapless pigeon and determined its cause of death as traumatic shock”

    Is this The Onion…?!

  3. Oh good, I guess everyone’s bicycle registrations are up to date so the J-cops are moving onto the next issue plaguing society, road pigeons!! Top grade police work lads.

  4. *A Tokyo taxi driver was arrested for deliberately driving into a flock of pigeons and killing one, police said Tuesday, reportedly because he was angry that the birds were on the road.*

    So a guy committed animal abuse and got arrested. Why is everyone here laughing at this? I’m more surprised that the cops actually did something when someone committed abuse against animals.

  5. Taxi drivers run like crazy, even in small streets, even close to schools or yochien. Let’s hope this will calm the others…

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