Japan gets “fossil” award again as climate action slammed

Japan gets “fossil” award again as climate action slammed


  1. I mean, yeah. The country bet hard on Nuclear power/fuel cells as a way to reduce carbon emissions, and populist bullshit fucked up the former whilst the latter has ended up being another example of the Japanese Galápagos syndrome. So it really is not surprising that Japan is still unable to reduce its carbon footprint.

  2. To be fair, every country at COP 28 has been cheerleading the use of fossil fuels. Japan is walking arm in arm with the rest of the world into climate disaster.

  3. When will we realize that reducing usage is a lot easier than transitioning. Get rid of cars from cities and make them more walkable as a start.

  4. It’s kind of bizarre Japan doesn’t make more use of their geo thermal power. Or build more off-shore windpower in combination with their abundant pumped storage hydro capacity.

  5. Japan is doing the most. They are depopulating their country with the lowest birthrate on earth.

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