Any good place to buy a Christmas ham?

Call it nostalgia. Call it wanting to give the kiddo the full Christmas experience. But I’m dying to find a half-decent Christmas ham, and I’m falling real short here.

In years past The Meat Guy had some pretty great looking hams, but it looks like they’re either sold out or just not being sold this year.

If anyone has a good place that delivers, I’d appreciate it. Costco is also an option on the table.

  1. Hisayama costco (Fukuoka area) has the big spiral-cut hams currently. May be worth checking whichever costco is local to you to see if it’s in stock. (Also got a whole turkey from the same costco 3 weeks ago)

  2. Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?

  3. Costco has spiral cut hams, but in my area (Hiroshima) they sell out fast, probably due to the military base in Iwakuni. I picked up the last one on the shelf about 2 weeks ago in prep, not sure if they will be getting anymore in stock.

    I’ve also ordered a bone-in ham off a meat shop on Rakuten before, but can’t remember the name.

  4. I saw spiral-cut ham at Costco Kawasaki on Saturday afternoon. They also had a ton of frozen turkeys if anyone does Christmas turkey.

  5. In the past, IKEA had a Christmas ham that was pretty good. Also some of the local ham companies have really good small hams–once I found out how good they were I stopped chasing after the imported ones.

  6. Not sure if they have ham, but we usually order roast beef from “Canada Beef” on Rakuten. They sell tasty little roasts (about 6 ounces each) that can be sliced and enjoyed with a red wine sauce. I am sure they also have other delicious stuff but I’m too lazy to check- my wife usually does the ordering.

  7. I got a connect with a pig farm in Shiga that I’ve used plenty over the past few years, order a whole pig back side..about 9kg (can order smaller pieces) then I cut it up, net it and put in in brine for 10-14 days after which I smoke it then put a delicious mustard and bread crust on and serve cold .. julskinka 😉
    Last time I ordered I payed about 800¥/kg including overnight shipping

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