Change of residence status

I graduated from a Japanese university with a masters degree and got an internship offer just after graduation. I applied for change of residence status from student to Designated Activities, as instructed by my potential employer, but my university couldn’t give me a reference letter because I asked for one after I had already graduated. Instead, employer advised me to submit a statement why I couldn’t submit the reference letter, and I did so explaining the reason. Immigration has asked me to explain why I didn’t ask for a reference letter during the designated period, and I responded that at the time they offered the reference letters, I didn’t have an internship offer yet. (Also, that the notification sent out in English was mistranslated, but I said it was my mistake not to double check and consult with the university)
Quite worried the result won’t come out before my residence expires at the end of the month. Anyone have a similar experience? What are the chances my application will get approved or rejected?

1 comment
  1. Not that this will help you, but I came to say I relate.

    I will be applying for a change in residency (from a student visa to a spouse visa) soon, and I really worry about the timing of everything. My student visa ends in June, but I can’t even apply for the residency change until maybe February at the earliest. My fiancé is graduating from university and won’t start work until April. He already has a job lined up, but has to finish his thesis first, so I’m not able to start that process as soon as I’d like. Having gone through the application process before for my student visa, I know that you need to make room for mistakes. I’d rather start on it now, but my fiancé wants to finish his thesis first. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I really hope that we don’t end up waiting too long to apply…

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