Gift help- Chinese Zodiac Toy?

*solved* info below

My wife is Japanese and she is into these little Chinese zodiac trinkets from Japan. Every year some place only releases one little animal per zodiac year and it’s this really special thing. I want to surprise her for the year of the dragon one coming. Is anyone aware of what this could be?

Solved: 薬師窯(yakushigama) Yakushi Kiln 2024 Zodiac Zodiac Kinsai Shofuku Tatsu (Hoju)

I snuck the 2023 rabbit from the cabinet and took a pic of the Kanji on the paper it came with, which my phone was able to translate:

Shofuku Zodiac “卯歲” selection

Eggs have been revered as a symbol of leaps from their jumping around. Also, because there are many children, fertility and children

It is also very popular as an amulet for grandchild prosperity.

Everyone’s Utose zodiac figurine in Yakushi kiln

I would like to pray from the bottom of my heart that you will decorate it in a familiar place and have a healthy year.


  1. This is too unspecific (google Chinese zodiac trinket and see the abundancy), and honestly, even with picture, it could go wrong.

    Is your wife a child who believes in Santa? No, then talk to her. For collective items, it is more important and meaningful that you get this right.

    Imagine you find something really similar, but she would know that e.g. the stamp ont the back (e.g. by the maker) or the color hue is slightly off…

    Tell her, you want to gift it, but want to do it right, she will gladly help you if she is a normal person.

    (also, it is december, chances are that rare collectors items that have to do with new year are sold out already or that she already placed an order. you really should talk with her about it, not the internet.)

  2. Because the animal RYUU does not exist in reality (and in fact it’s got some differences from a Western dragon), Japanese people usually use SEAHORSE as a substitute.

    I’ve seen a few people using Japanese geckos too but seahorse is absolutely more ordinary.

  3. Not sure if you’re referring to a specific style but every Japanese department store will have dozens if not hundreds of different minature zodiac figurines for sale at this time of year. They come in all shapes and sizes and made from many different types of material (wood, paper, fabric, glass, etc.) For the most part, only next year’s (2024) zodiac figurines are for sale but you can find full sets as well.

    People often buy one a display it in the home or shop for the entire year.

  4. Could you possibly contact her family and get their help knowing what it is and acquiring it? Or some sort of childhood friend who might know?

    Sounds like an impossible task if not. This is like asking if reddit can help you find that one kind of Christmas biscuit your friend likes…like, whoa. There could be thousands.

  5. I get a small one every year from Shrine with a fortune-telling piece of paper in it – but I suppose you’re outside Japan?

    As suggested in many comments, it can be anything from small cutesy pokemon-looking character to elaborate and ancient drawing on tapestry, big ornament, ashtray etc. I think cutesy ones are safe choice but I don’t really know what any particular woman finds cute and all so.. probably [something this dumb looking]( would be okay? Maybe it’s too big? There are similar deformed characters that tries to look cute and familiar to kids but some of the offering on amazon looks too foreign to me (maybe it’s cool for Chinese or Korean kids). That one I linked seems to be made by Japanese brand and their offerings indeed do look familiar to me.

    If she’s fine with Kitty-chan then I bet there are one of those (meaning Chinese-zodiac themed Kitty-chan) or kewpie mayonaise character of that version. I think those things can’t go wrong but then not sure if there’s any chance getting hands on that abroad. Though I think it’d be a nice little surprise


    * [kitty]( (in production anymore but just for an idea)
    * [kewpie]( (out of stock here but again, just as an idea)

    These two are very popular characters for souvenir (for girls) and they’re small so I think it’s a safer bet. Otherwise I’d try to get small and cute thing rather than elaborate and realistic things

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