Sushi Lover’s DIY Triumph

Hi, I obviously love sushi like most of us. I lived most of my life in Berlin, with dozens of great sushi places where I spent most of my money as a teenager. Some years ago, I had to move to a smaller German city. The sushi you can get here is mediocre at best. This brought me to the dilemma of missing out on sushi for quite some time. Then, COVID happened, and I somehow ended up making sushi myself for at least once or twice a week, sometimes even three times a week. Before that, I hated making sushi myself or with friends because it always took a lot of preparation time, was still relatively costly, and, on top of it, usually looked like crap. But now, after all these years of learning, I am happy to present you my latest creation that I made for my girlfriend. All vegan, all self-made. Hope you enjoy the view, and thank you for all the inspiration over the past years.

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