Networking setup suggestion for new place? Using own router for hikari 10G?

Moving to a new place soon, and the hikari fiber is located in the middle of the manshion.

Refering to the [picture](, the main router and everything else will be on the yellow spot, while I plan to extend the range to the blue spot, so that it could reach the 2 rooms near the genkan. I believe it’s about 3m\~4m distance. For normal use I assume it will reach all rooms just fine, but due to WFH I’m trying to play it safe so to make sure all connection and range are stable.

I apologize for the series of questions, but would a simple wifi mesh setup be the way to go? Is it worth it to upgrade to 10G? Are we able to use our own 10G router if I upgrade to hikari 10G?

  1. Sounds like overkill to me. I’m in a two storey house and a single wireless router covers the whole place without any significant loss of signal anywhere.

    The only issue you’re likely to have is things interfering with the 2.4 GHz band, so make sure your router transmits in 5 GHz as well.

  2. I’d take a look at your devices and figure out if anything can even take advantage of 10 G. There aren’t even a lot of router options for that. 1 gigabit is likely more than enough unless you’re really doing data intensive work.

  3. How about using a mesh network, a simple one like Googles if you’re that worried. I have a three story house and my loft bed interrupts the wifi signal on the 1st floor (ps5 is on the desk). So the mesh network resolves that.

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