Snow chain regulations

I’ve just swapped my regular tyres for winter tyres (kitemarked and approved by manufacture, but not studless) and are to purchase some snow chains (I intend to drive up to ski resorts).

When they issue a mandatory ‘snow-chain requirement’ notice, what is “a snow chain” in Japanese road law?

Having a google I note that there are chains that are chains, snow socks, plastic surrounds with metal studs and other interesting devices. Do they mean an actual chain or would something like [this example]( suffice?


  1. JAF says [when a snow disaster occurs](,on%20as%20soon%20as%20possible) you need to put on snow chains as soon as possible. Nothing is mentioned about a national JIS standard so I think your average Japanese driver is going to go to the car accessories store and buy some there if they plan to drive on snowy roads.

    My guess is that anything that is sold in Japan is legal. I’d ask at the store if you are concerned.

    In my experience, the biggest problem is not knowing how to put them on. I froze outside until a knowledgeable driver stopped to help. It’s worth practicing beforehand and getting the fitting down to an art as it becomes 10 times more difficult if you are using gloves and/or have frozen hands. Someone who knows what they are doing can fit them in minutes.

  2. My impression is winter tyres > chains. We got caught in snow last week driving to Yamagata and back on summer tyres (we’re scheduled to change to winter next Friday). For the return trip we bought chains, but still got turned back from going past Gassan by the road patrol.

    Had to go back the long way, but probably for the best.

  3. Another question – how much should I pay to change my summer tyres to winter tyres (same wheels, run-flats)

    I’ve been quoted 30,000. Seems expensive but a friend says that’s about right.

    (Am in Minato, Tokyo)

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