Kishida to Offer Free University Tuition for Families with 3+ children Starting 2025

Kishida to Offer Free University Tuition for Families with 3+ children Starting 2025

  1. And those of us who still can’t register as married couples will be helping to pay that university tuition with our tax money.

  2. Yes, paying for college I am sure is what’s holding families back from having their 3rd kid

  3. It’s not a good policy, here’s why I think so. First, families with 3 children evidently is already able to afford to raise 3 children. How would this incentivize those who have not already have children? I don’t think anyone’d be like “hey dear, let’s get 3 children so they can have free college tuition. Don’t mind the 18 years of child-rearing fee before that.” Second, the scheme doesn’t have an income cap. So in combination with the first point, I feel like it’s just a reward for rich families who can afford to have 3 children whilst everyone else have to foot the tax bill. If Kishida wants to make university free for all, fine by me but to peg it to the number of children you already have seems to me like it’s unfairly skewed towards those who are already wealthier.

  4. Sheesh, a lot of negativity in this thread. Between this news and Koike making private high schools free for Tokyo residents this is great news overall for Japan. For a country that routinely drags its feet on even the smallest changes legislatively that would benefit people, these are really good first steps foward.

    Will this immediately fix the population issue? No. Will this magically make the work/life balance better overall? No.

    But I think any small positive change should be applauded instead of just spewing poison.

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