When applying for PT university positions, do you mention other universities you’ll be working at?

Say you get a position at a good university, would you mention it when relating your availability in your job applications?

  1. You dont need to mention any new schools, but you must have told them about existing gigs in your application. As for your schedule, there is no obligation to explain why you are unavailable at any given time, that is the great thing about freelancing, you get to make your own schedule.

  2. Long ago just as I was starting out I was an emergency replacement for someone who backed out a month before the semester began. This was one of the top universities in the country in my field and it had already rejected my application but was now stuck. For other adjunct positions, virtually as soon as I mentioned that university, I was hired.

    The position at the top university was not great and didn’t pay well, but I kept it for a few years until I had enough experience and publications to become an attractive candidate without working there.

  3. It can work against you if you apply to lower ranking schools.

    If you teach at top rank A uni, then school c will think you don’t know how to teach lower students or you’ll be unsatisfied if they hire you.

    Give the information the job ad asks for. Nothing more.

  4. I’m not really following this question.

    When you fill out the *rirekisho* (resume form) to apply for a university position (part-time or full-time) you have to indicate all past and current employment. Failure to disclose employment history (including current jobs) is grounds for cancellation of an employment offer and/or dismissal.

    **EDIT**: It’s a little early this morning, and I haven’t had any coffee yet. I reread the question and I can see now that the OP means: Should he/she list jobs that they have been offered but haven’t yet started when applying for another part-time job?

    However, my advice would be the same as I have mentioned many times before on the sub. **Follow the instructions for the** ***rirekisho.*** If they do not ask about future employment, don’t list it. If they do, then list it. As someone who hires university lectures, I can tell you that failing to follow the instructions for how to fill out the application documents, or failing to include all of the documents in your application package is the best way to have your application ignored.

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