Residence Tax (Juminzei) Payment Options

Yo! Apologies if this has been asked before, I did attempt to search the reddit a bit, but didn’t see any specifics.

From what I understand, there are 2 main ways of paying the yearly residence tax- either your work decides you pay it over 12 months via salary deductions, or you get a notice in the mail and can decide to pay it all at once or in installments.
However, my city BOE apparently takes it directly off our paycheck all at once.
Which is uh, a bit worrisome considering I live fairly paycheck to paycheck paying off student loans and a small tax debt back home on top of the usual monthly living costs.

So, my question is basically, has anyone had any success in changing how their residence tax is paid? And if so, how did you go about it?

I’ll probs be fine (just extra poor and sad lmao) if it’s impossible, but I wanted to see if anyone has any experience or knows if its even possible before I go rocking the boat 😂

Update: Sent the city BOE an email asking if it was possible to change how it’s paid. I don’t expect a positive response based on previous dealings, but it doesn’t hurt to ask! Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. 🙂

  1. My supervisor was great and arranged for me to pay my juminzei in monthly instalments not long after I started. I’m now a 6th year JET and pay about 10,000円 a month.

  2. If you’re a first year your residence tax should be in the 30-50 thousand range as residence tax is based on your previous years earnings. I don’t know your financial situation but that should be coverable.

    Be prepared for your second year if you cannot have it spread over 12 months as that will jump to over 100 thousand. And when you leave your residence tax will have to be paid upfront, even if it is spread over 12 months, the month you leave you will have to pay the remainder.

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