When you pass away, are you planning to be buried in Japan or your home country?

As a lifer, this totally random thought just came up in my mind. I was curious as to how the whole process would look like.

  1. I’ve been thinking about this too, and would like to be buried in some old gothic cemetery, fat chance of that here.

  2. My wife’s family has a big plot in the inaka that goes back about 500 years, I want to be there with her ancestors.

  3. What do I care, I’ll be dead 😂 Whatever is easier for my husband and friends. We already talked about it and we’d both go for cremation, and then idk, throw me in a cliff? As long nobody brings my corpse’s ashes home, I’m good 👍

  4. If I’m still young, cremated in Japan and taken to be scattered in Whitby. If I’m old, my wifes family graveyard here in Japan. If the afterlife is real, those ancestors will get a shock for sure.

  5. I want to be burried in my home country. Dead people are an important part of my culture and my family would want to visit me oftenly.

  6. I know people are joking around a bit but my dad was buried in another country and it’s the worst grief ever. To never be able to visit when I want to. Wherever you have close family, for their sake please be buried in their country.

  7. I really don’t care what happens after I die. I just don’t want to be an ass by leaving behind some hard to follow instructions

  8. I’m going to be cremated and have a tree planted in my ashes in the family cemetery.

  9. I suppose it depends on if I die while my parents are still alive or not. If they’re still alive, I’d like some of my ashes sent back so they can feel like a part of me is back home… If it’s after, then I don’t care as long as I’m not in the same grave as my father-in-law 🙄

  10. If I get bad cancer I’m going out deep into the forest with a spade, pills and whiskey.

    I’d really like to be absorbed back into nature rather than burned.

  11. I don’t care at all where I’m buried or my pot of ash and bone is placed, but I want to be buried with my wife and she wants Japan so that’s where I’ll be.
    Also the thought of spending what I’m assuming is a lot of money on expatriating my body to be buried where my passport states… seems like a total waste.

  12. I want them to take any organs I have that still work, and use them for someone waiting for a transplant. After that, I’m donating my body to a medical school so it can help train new doctors.

    I don’t need it at that point. May as well do some good.

  13. Getting buried is actually difficult in Japan. Looked it up when my dad mentioned he might want to be buried instead of cremated.

  14. Don’t care. I’m not into all the death stuff. If any idiot spends so much as a penny on a funeral or anything I’d totally haunt them as revenge though, or at least I would if ghosts were real.

  15. when I pass I hope to be buried in a family grave stone with my grandfather, mother and grandma. I hope that people can clean the family grave like I did when I had the time, I don’t know who my ancestors are but it gives me a sense of comfort knowing that I won’t be alone when I pass away and get put in a jar when I’m powder. Death is inevitable but I can’t help but feel worried for how the next generation will treat my family grave stone that’s been passed down by generations

  16. Some people might be joking, but serious question here: Are there any legal consequences to spreading someone’s cremated ashes in places (ocean, mountain, etc.)?

  17. I’ve donated my body to medical research so get to stay an extra few years/decades here

  18. I’ve just got cremated and I must admit it was a wonderful experience. Guys, you definitely must try!

  19. I told my wife to parcel me out. Half of me in the family plot in Tokyo, the other half to be sprinkled at our lake house in Canada.

  20. I’m hoping I live long enough for human composting to become mainstream. Then maybe they can send half of my compost to my home country and keep half here and use it to plant a tree in each country.

  21. About 15 years ago my wife’s grandmother passed and when we brought the urn with her ashes to the graveyard my father in law pointed to the tomb and said to me “You’re going in there someday. I made sure there’s room for you.” Thanks, I guess?

  22. My wife and I have had these discussions. My life, Family and home is here. Yeah my parents and relatives are in USA but I don’t feel at home there.

    The only thing I ask is that I am not put in her family grave and we are in the process of trying to buy a grave plot for us.

    We are both over 50 so this topic is becoming more and more relevant for us.

  23. I told my wife to just throw my body in the ocean, laws be damned. She said ok. I won’t really be around to see if she actually delivers but I also won’t really care at that point.

    But to be honest and in my opinion, graveyards are a waste of space and are better suited towards something else. Even just being a plot of trees would be better.

  24. Since I really won’t care wherever my family wants to plant me. Funerals/etc are for the living the dead do not care.

    (I’ll be buried – that’s probably not the right way to say it – my bones will be placed with the rest of the families in the family tomb and my soul interred in the local shrine with the rest of the family, wife’s mom and dad have already made all the arrangements. When we interred dad’s bones I was really surprised by the size etc of the chamber for the bones and how many from the family had been placed in there, guess that’s what I get for marrying into an old family.)

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