Recommendations for wallpaper replacement service for apartment in Tokyo

I am planning to change wallpaper of my 3LDK apartment in Tokyo. Did anyone has a positive experience with this and would like to recommend(preferably english friendly)? I already checked []( and []( but did not find many options.

  1. Uhh not sure I understand.

    Are you changing to a different type of wallpaper? The landlord won’t like that.

    Are you just replacing worn out wallpaper? If it’s natural wear and tear the landlord should handle that.

    Are you trying to fix damage you did to the wall yourself?

  2. Years ago before we moved into our apartment we got all new wallpaper from Sangetsu, after visiting the showroom in the Shinagawa Station complex on the Konan side. Have lots of samples out (and I hadn’t realized that there are different papers for poweder room/toilet room/ceilings/regular rooms. But not sure its English friendly.

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