Will my friend get in trouble?

Hi, I am new here, both in reddit and in Japan. I hope you can help me as I’m still learning about the cultural norms and the unspoken rules.

I recently got a package from home and wanted to share some to my newly found japanese friend. But Line has block me for some reason before I even finished making an account and now I don’t have access for 60 days. I have no other way to contact her and I need to give it to her before it goes bad and before I leave for my holiday this weekend.

I do know her workplace because we met there, she works at a hospital, and asked if she’s there while I was there for an appointment. Turns out she’s on a sick leave. I told them my dilemma and said it’s okay to leave it with them but I didn’t cos I have gone full overthinking and thought, what if she’ll get in trouble for it or get scolded or given a hard time because of my actions? Is it rude to leave something for your friend at their workplace? I just want to share some goods from my country 😭

Please share your thoughts and experiences 🥺

  1. My thoughts and experiences…

    1. You’re overthinking this.

    2. You’re going to make her very uncomfortable to the point of being ghosted by going to her work. That’s just weird…

  2. That’s creepy dude. 🤦 You can see how a new friend would be creeped out by this right ?

  3. It really depends; in my office sometimes people do come by to drop off snacks/small things for my coworkers (a friend of a friend just did this the other day to me actually), and my boss doesn’t say anything about it.

    But if it was someone I really didn’t know well, it would make me a little uncomfortable.

    I can’t speak on behalf of your friend or her coworkers, but depending on how good of friends you really are, the gesture could come off as an arigato-meiwaku

    What happened to your Line that you got blocked though? (and you’re sure she didn’t block you?)

  4. Her perspective:

    Hospital staff: “So-and-so called asking if you’re in. Do you know them?”

    OP’s “friend”: “Tell them I’m on indefinite sick leave.”

  5. That’s just weird and creepy and it will apply to any country not just japan ??

    Stalker alert !! 😬😬😬

  6. Chotto kimochiwarui. Just get hobbies or anything that just to occupy your mind. Stop being obessesive.

  7. do not go to her workplace, that’s a violation of someone’s privacy. these types of ppl are the fuckin reason women don’t feel safe. stop

  8. As you’re a foreigner, the hospital will likely chalk up any awkwardness to that. Assuming they don’t take you for a stalker, weirdo, etc., they will likely keep the goods as long as possible and presumably give them to the intended recipient when they can.

    I think some of the other comments here are a bit harsh, but at the same time, it’s common knowledge in Japan that making friends often takes time. Pushing it can often drive someone away before they’ve gotten the chance to know you.

    For now, wait and see what happens. There’s not much else you can do if this person is currently off work anyway.

  9. Your “friend” will not get in trouble. However, it’s really creepy, and your “friend” may no longer be a friend after this.

  10. Nothing she’ll get in trouble for.

    Now go find some other friends.

    Also if you don’t hear from her, I’d take that as sayonara.

  11. > my newly found japanese friend

    I think you mean “newly lost”. Hell, it would be creepy to do this to a new friend even in a more straightforward country like the US.

  12. The information you need is this: Everything in this world is conspiring to prevent you from contacting that person. Take the hint and leave her alone.

  13. Unfortunately it is a bit creepy to go to your newly found friend’s workplace to give them something that can go bad… this is common sense not only in Japan but in general. You’d only do that if it’s like your family or really close friends you’ve known for a long time.

  14. I have to paraphrase a previous comment in this sub or a similar sub because I’ve laughing about it.

    ‘Can’t we go a single day in this sub without hearing about these absolutely COOKED experiences you guys are having with Japanese women. ‘

    It’s true, but the word COOKED has stuck with me for days. Thank you kind stranger.

    Don’t message me if I’m not paraphrasing correctly. I’m not an English teacher.

  15. If you’re new in Japan why did you say you got a package that only happens once every one-two years?

    Fake post.

  16. I doubt she’ll get into trouble, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Hopefully she won’t think you’re stalking her. What did you do to get blocked for 60 days by Line?

  17. Just wait until next time your family sends you something from home to give her. Perhaps by then you’ll have a closer friendship with your friend.

  18. >But Line has block me for some reason before I even finished making an account and now I don’t have access for 60 days. I have no other way to contact her and I wanted to give it to her before it goes bad and before I leave for my holiday this weekend

    You have not finished creating account. How Line blocking you ?

    You have no Line account, how can you contacted her before ?

  19. -_-

    It’ll be fine, man.

    I sent my then-future-wife a bouquet of red roses, as an expression of my sincerest luuuuuurrrvvve to her office.

    Her boss nearly had an aneurysm, but in a good way, because apparently nobody had ever done that before (well, except for funeral flowers), and the other OLs definitely were not ready for that jelly.

    Your darling won’t get in trouble either 🙂

  20. “hey Kumiko, there’s this weird guy asking for you at the front with…um, gifts of some kind?”

    “Ugh. I blocked him on line already. Tell him…I’m on sick leave. I can pretend to be dead afterwards.”

    I bet every fucking yen I’ve ever had on this being the scenario.

  21. Don’t worry go to nearest office station and confess your deeds. Just say you have “sugoi nimotsu, line block, onna tomodachi, suto-ka desu” and make a sad emoji face. Police will help you:)

  22. Scrolled through the comments wondering why everyone found this creepy, until I saw one that made it clear everyone thinks OP is a guy…

    in which case, yeah, creepy

    if you are two young women, maybe not.

    but if you are so unfamiliar that you don’t even have a LINE connection, yeah, again…creepy

  23. Judging by some of her comments I think op is a girl? So this doesn’t feel like the typical jlifer being a freak around Japanese women he’s attracted to post…

    Your friend won’t be in trouble but don’t go to people’s workplaces to look for them, it’s kind of weird.

  24. Is she an actual friend, or just someone you saw at the hospital and are now assuming wants to be your friend?

    Sounds like you don’t even have her contact information. Maybe back off a little, that sounds like a lot.

  25. Wait, you went to her work, asked if you could leave something for her, then said never mind and left?

    She’s not going to be in trouble, but they will tell her that her friend is odd as all get out. Maybe not, because they might just figure they don’t need to say that because you’re a foreigner, but they should.

  26. I think when you get so many replies telling you, your behaviour is odd and could come across as creepy, you should start believing it. The fact that OP is still defending/justifying, not accepting that someone he met casually in hospital, who likely gave out her line as she was scared to refuse, does not want a relationship, implies an obsessive behaviour. As others have said, stop, relax, find a hobby don’t overthink.

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