Ekinet/Viewtravel Credit Card Issues

For the love of god someone please tell me why no card gets accepted on that terrible website. I found a great Shinkansen+Hotel deal and only 2 rooms are left

I have tried both my foreign mastercard and my Amazon マスター from SMBC. Both cards use 3D Secure so that can’t be the issue I think.

Went to the みどりの窓口、they told me to go to the bank. Went to the bank, they told me to go to the station.

I really hope someone can help me here.

  1. Are you using the Google chrome translated version of the page when you’re putting in the card details? I’ve found that has affected my card being accepted on some sites

  2. Your credit card usage might trigger the anti-fraud security system and your transaction locked.

    This is quite normal, just call your credit card number on the back of your card, say you want to unlock the security lock and they’ll release it and you can try again.

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