Microplastics off Japan’s coast ‘5,500 times higher than in North Atlantic’

Microplastics off Japan’s coast ‘5,500 times higher than in North Atlantic’


  1. …. z.z Why am I not surprised?

    **Not like the Japanese packages the packages, that are packaged into individual packages, Right???**


  2. They should collect it all and package it into individual plastic packets and then… put that in a plastic package!

  3. They’ll faithfully take out the recyclables on time every week yet not question why Camembert is in a package in a package in a package.

  4. ITT: People who don’t realize that packaging can significantly prolong the shelf-life of fresh produce/goods.

    Not saying over-wrapping is always good. But it’s not as black & white as “OmG StOP WRaPpInG EvERyTHIng iN plAStiC J@PaN!N!N!!”

  5. Pretty much everyone’s trash ends up on the coast of Japan. I highly doubt this is just japanese plastic accumulate but the entire east and south east Asian sphere.

  6. So many clowns here saying, “oh it’s Japan’s fault” and “that China”. Anyone thought to consider that far more people with less developed economies live right next to the Atlantic and multiple large rivers flow out to the Pacific? Microplastics come from a variety of sources. If you didn’t read the article you won’t know where or how the plastics got there. Fishing is generally one of the biggest issues and it is poorly regulated for obvious reasons.

    This sub is such a train wreck of ignorant people that rely on outdated and broad views about Japan and it’s issues. You can be right but completely off base at the same time.

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