Questions I have

Thank you all in advance, but I had a few questions about the application process, I know it’s a few months out but wanted to get clarification or reassurance.

1- in regards to applying, I am a first year teacher currently teaching history so I was wondering if me being a history teacher they’d gloss over me even if I have a TEFL Certification?

2- About the recommendation letters, I have asked my current principal to write one for me when the time comes, but by the time it’s available to send out(? When applying how do you request a letter exactly?) the principal would’ve retired and I’ll have a new one who doesn’t know me and my teaching. Would it still be appropriate to ask the principal for a recommendation letter or ask one of the assistant principals who’s staying?

Once again thank you all for the help, and sorry if these questions have obvious answers, they’ve just been nagging at me and wanted clarification.

  1. 1. In regards to question 1, I got shortlisted for 2023 with a bachelors in philosophy, no professional experience in anything (only casual work), and a TEFL cert that wasn’t even finished yet. On paper, you are more than qualified, however it more comes down to your intentions, motivation, preparation, knowledge of JET as a programme and it’s goals etc.

    2. Get the higher quality reference, don’t worry about it being current. I used older acquaintances (my thesis supervisor and a manager from a previous job rather than my current one) because they know me really well and are well spoken and professional individuals with good credentials.

    Basically, don’t stress too much, just think about what the JET programme means to you and how its goals and yours are compatible. They’re looking for ambassadors between countries, not qualified TEFL teachers. We’re just teaching assistants anyway.

  2. 1. Based on my experience with the application, soft skills are more important to JET than anything else. I also applied with a history degree and no TEFL and got in no problem
    2. Ask the guy who will be able to make you sound like a more appealing candidate

  3. 1. They don’t care as long as you have a degree. I have a history degree and a tefl and I got in. Sometimes people with teaching experience get in, sometimes they don’t.

    2. It’s fine. One of my professors who was already retired when I asked wrote my rec letter.

    I know you’ve probably heard this a bunch of times and me telling you probably doesn’t help but, don’t worry too much about it. The standards for this program are pretty low. Good luck!

  4. 1 – a bachelors degree is all that is required. A lot of the people who are accepted are straight of out school with no teaching experience. People have degrees in all sorts of things. TEFL doesn’t matter too much and sometimes qualified teachers get outright rejected – but that’s usually for number of reasons. Remember that being an ALT is an assistant; we aren’t intended to be T1 (in practice, it might be different). Focus on soft skills, having a strong SOP (know the goals of the JET program) and having a good personality above all else.

    2 – wait until the application opens. It has to be submitted through their online portal. It shouldn’t matter if they’re retired. You need to choose the best references who are going to give you a personalized, glowing review.

  5. You don’t have to be a teacher to be an ALT and second you give them the link and they fill out the recommendation, it’s ok if at the time he’s your former boss.

  6. Hi!

    Shortlisted JET for this year here, and also a teacher. From what I have seen, you do not need to have any teaching experience at all. I also do not have any TESOL/TEFL certification (yet). I asked my former principal who just retired in August 2022 to write my recommendation letter when the application opened in September 2022 (I believe?). As everyone else mentioned, none of this seems to matter. Just make sure you have a great SOP – share how you are unique, your talents, culture, background, etc. and how you intend to share that with the people of Japan. 🙂 Best wishes!

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