[WTL Spoiler] So what do we think?

[WTL Spoiler] So what do we think?

[WTL Spoiler] So what do we think?
byu/Much_Watercress_5068 innjpw

  1. Looking at the future leader of that stable and potential top heel of the company in Narita (in the mold of Chono with NWO Japan and Makabe with GBH).

  2. He thought he could have a brighter tomorrow by joining HoT and chase after never 6 man, but anyway this alliance with Shota can’t last long because both of them are made for singles

  3. “… If I had to pick two things I don’t want him to do, is to join Bullet Club, either HoT or main unit, but that’s honestly it.”

    This was a comment of mine a few days ago. Gedo when I catch you, I hope you understand that it IS personal.

  4. I think something we can all take away from this, Is that Shibata’s training is like the One Ring and Kevin Knight is Frodo

  5. So what happens with Desperado and Suzuki now? I think Strong Style was a good faction idea. Hopefully they keep that group around..

  6. Heel turn – good

    HoT turn – Not great

    Splitting up Strong Style before it even gets off the ground – what the fuck you fucking melons

  7. I mean the narrative for MONTHS has been Ren Narita is feeling a bit lost and lacking identity while Shota Umino is putting on bangers and Yota Tsuji is a complete package. Yuya Uemura came back and was also immediately more interesting as a wrestler.

    This is an attempt at something at least! In Western wrestling turning heel is often how wrestlers find their personality, and we know Gedo and Dick Togo take a lot of influence from that so, we will see!

    All of R3M and Uemura need to be treated in a similar way to Okada though. If they join factions they need to be a 1B to the leaders 1A like Okada/Nakamura with Chaos. They can’t become underlings or their chances of main event status will be hurt significantly (look at Goto post joining CHAOS).

    Tsuji is fine because LIJ is basically a group of pure 1As and 1Bs (then BUSHI/Titan for the craic) and Shota Umino is in a Tanahashi style thing with Hontai. Just gets tag help when needed. Narita and Uemura need to be rapidly established as top dogs within HoT and J5G.

  8. Finally. He always looked like the Small Goth Kid from South Park, the devil is in the details,

  9. Your lucky Suzuki is doing stuff with Nagata. You dint hurt his Despy and get away with it.

  10. The whole Strong Style deal was going nowhere, gives Ren some personality and a year to dream of Narita and Big Yuj: WTL Champs. I’d say an upgrade overall.

  11. Ren Narita about to have his career stuck on a shitty faction.

    I dont think anything good can happen.

  12. Bullet Club has too many members. Can HOT split off already. The 2 halves barely interact. Just make them 2 factions already.

  13. I don’t mean to judge here, I’m asking genuinely. How is him joining HoT a good thing? And what’s the appeal of HoT in general?

    To me, it has done next to nothing for EVIL or SHO and they’re being booked like 2010s WWE heels with the same old match structure over and over again. I can’t see this working out for him, if every big match of his will come down to a dozen interferences and ref bumps followed by a cheap win or a stupid loss. And that’s sad, because he’s better than that and the turn would’ve worked just as well if he just turned on Shota and went solo for a while. (I know NJPW doesn’t really do solo, but I think he could’ve pulled that off)

  14. I think this is good for both Ren and HoT. I doubt they’ll change up his style to be goofy like Sho. He’ll probably add a serious edge.

  15. And to think just yesterday, I suggested Shota, Narita and a third partner take the NEVER Six-Man Titles off Okada and co

  16. As a person who generally shits on HOT I find it strange that I somewhat enjoyed this turn.

    Heel turn for Narita is great, but I would have had him join War Dogs instead.

    Imagine him turning from his boring character work to suddenly becoming a Japanese Gabe Kidd.

    That would be have been too sweet 😉

  17. I can rock with this Narita doesn’t have an personality. I think Evil can help him fr

  18. I really like Ren Narita and strongly dislike House of Cock Torture so this kinda stinks for me. Permanent lower mid card status. He’s still got plenty of career but damn. Not for me right now but he and Despy should have a good match excluding the endless interference.

    At least Despy didn’t go over. That would have really bummed me out.

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