SO with high fever need advise

My SO has 39.3 C deegrees of fever, and i want to be prepares in case it goes a bit higher, what are my options for emergency rooms? Pr ambulance maybe?

Im in the shinjuku area.

Hi guys, apparently just influenza, no fever now. Thanks all for the recommendations

  1. If it gets bad enough that you feel it warrants the ER, just call an ambulance, job done.

  2. Go to a fever outpatient clinic (発熱外来) and have your SO checked for the usual suspects (influenza/corona).

    Don’t sleep on it, do it asap.

  3. Maybe not what you want to read, but 39.3deg is NOT a “high fever”. At that temperature, the best thing is sleep or rest as much as possible, stay hydrated, and try to avoid spreading your germs.

  4. Call the clinic and let them know. They will advise you. Usually it will be go in and do a test. They can test it outside the clinic, like in the carpark etc.

    They will test for covid and influenza. If it’s either they’ll give you meds. That’s what happened to my fam. It turned out to be influenza. They have him meds straight away and it helped. I still isolated them in another room. I also had to take preventative meds. Luckily I didn’t catch it.

  5. It’s probably influenza, which has an effective medication against.
    Go to a nearby clinic, 内科, if possible call them to make sure they do influenza tests and don’t have any fever restrictions.
    Get the test and meds when positive.
    Sleep. Pocari/Aquarius/Fruits.
    Be revived.

    I just did this on Wednesday when I had 39.7c fever.

  6. Call ahead to your nearest 内科 and tell them the situation, then take him there. A fever that high needs medical attention.

  7. I don’t think you need an emergency room unless they have other alarming symptoms. Take some antipyretics if you have them, and if you need advice, you can call a hospital/clinic and ask. Most likely suspects are flu and covid, so they’ll need to test – depending on hospital policy, this might be done in an isolated room, or in your vehicle. If you want to shortcut this, most drugstores will sell antigen home tests (抗原検査 kogenkensa) which you can take to speed up diagnosis.

  8. 39 degrees is ‘high’ but not ‘go to the hospital’ serious (yet).

    Do the normal stuff – lots of liquid, some over-the-counter fever medication, etc. Make sure everyone washes there hands – a lot.

    If it gets worse – and by worse, I’d say either it stays at 39 degrees for more than a couple of days or goes over 40 degrees – go to any nearby clinic or hospital, make sure you have your health insurance card. Calling an ambulance should mean you don’t to know where to go, and unlike the US, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

  9. Unless your SO is high risk it’s unlikely to be serious, but still it’s better to get tested for flu/covid as early as possible at a local convenient clinic. With viral infections it’s best to diagnosis and use antivirals quickly after onset of symptoms because the way they work is to prevent viral proliferation in the body — they do not “kill” the virus, they just stop it from multiplying from the time they are administered. If you wait an extra day or two often times viral proliferation is already near max and the antivirals will no longer be effective in helping to shorten the length and severity of symptoms.

  10. I think people have generally given advice to seek medical aid – but one thing to keep in mind is that: Rather then Just looking at their temperature – **Look at their Physical Condition.**

    Are they able to get up – move around and generally function?
    Or are they Bed bound and delirious, not able to get up etc?

    If they are able to move, Drink/eat and generally do normal activities – then they are more than likely Fine – At the moment at the least, and just letting them rest and drinking A LOT of Fluid will likely be enough.

    If , However, they are *Unable to get out of bed, Drink/eat and/or delirious* – **SEEK MEDICAL AID NOW.**

  11. Hopefully they are doing alright now. My wife had 40 degree temperature a couple of weeks ago, wasn’t too serious. She had the flu.

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