I think I have a sushi addiction

I have had sushi 7 time’s and spend over 80 dollars on it just today and I have reservations for a all you can eat sushi bar tonight

I need help 😭

  1. I thought it was a fast food takeout, you literally can’t see the sushi from the mayo and tempura fry

  2. Did the store put the Mayo? I’d wonder if it was kind of old and needed to be doused lol

  3. op i really need to know, did they put this mayo on by default, or did you put it on/ask for it? where is this from? can’t tell if this is a sushi circlejerk, literally

  4. You definitely need help.
    Someone help this poor guy. He must be introduced to reasonable sushi.

  5. im really sorry but have you tried just eating mayo mixed with rice, sugar, and salt? you would save a lot of money and it probably would taste 80% the same. its what street food stalls will do for riceballs

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