Gifts for pregnant friend?

This isn’t her first child, so I don’t know what to get her. I also don’t know what she already has. Are there any shops I can go to for maternity gifts? Or if you think a non-maternity gift is better, what kind of gifts would you want or would have wanted before and after birth? Suggestions are really appreciated, thank you!

  1. How about cafeineless coffee or tea?
    Maternities are getting nervous about caffeine for their child.
    So, if she likes coffee or tea, I recommend them.

  2. Essential baby supplies are always nice to have – things like diapers and wipes. Something thoughtful for mum is really lovely too! Everyone celebrates baby but few celebrate the whopping achievement of just having moulded a whole human for 9 months and then birthing it!! With my first a very kind friend put together a little gift basket for me that had a single tasteful little wooden rattle for baby, and then had a bunch of caffeine free/low caffeine hot drinks, a beautiful tumbler that was easy to use while breastfeeding and could keep my drinks warm when I inevitably forgot about them ahaha, some sweet treats and then some pampering things like a scented candle, face masks, hand cream etc. She said it was so I could take care of me while taking care of baby – and it was one of the most thoughtful and appreciated gifts I received ❤️

  3. If you go to the children’s clothing floor of any major department store there’s normally a maternity section nearby as well. There will likely be some “giftable” items as well (both for baby and mom).

    Personally I always wanted one of those adjustable coats where you can zip in an extra panel while baby wearing as they just seem so useful!

  4. In my experience people buy a lot of clothes and tiny shoes for the baby with good intentions but sometimes the baby has already outgrown the summer/winter clothes before they even have a chance to even wear them.

    Ask someone who has a one year old what they would have appreciated as even new parents will soon forget. An Amazon gift card is a boring present but could be a godsend for getting supplies in, in the first month or so.

  5. I’m currently pregnant and if you’re planning on gifting something soon-ish, this is what I’d want.

    •those socks they sell everywhere atm called “marude kotatsu” apparently they’re really warm but they’re expensive for sox. They have em at kombinis and Doki too

    •if she has a nespresso machine, decaf nespresso pods. They can get quite expensive

    • a nice big tub of body cream. Not too scented like lux because smell can trigger nausea

    •Stanley mug. Because every insta mum in the US has one and they’re finally available in Japan. I already have one and am constantly filling it with ice cold water because I get dehydrated so easily!

    •ooh! And those face masks by “derma laser” they have like 5 different types. You could get one each. Our skin gets so dry

  6. Towels are always a welcome item to new parents. We got a nice towel set with the new baby’s name (kanji and english) on them for my wife’s brother’s new daughter, and her sister’s twin baby girls.

    New parents always can use financial help with diapers, so gift cards where they can guy these items online and delivered is a god-send. Maybe even throw in a few fun “go out and have a date” card where you can baby sit would be appreciated too!

  7. Aden + Anais swaddles.

    Before our daughter was born I kept insisting we get these but my wife wouldn’t have it, too expensive. Her aunt gifted us a pack and it’s one of the few items still in constant use almost 5 years later. Our daughter won’t go to sleep without having one as her first layer. An essential item imo.

  8. Something I would have appreciated being gifted when pregnant is the Mama & Kids stretch mark cream. It’s really nice but costs like ¥8,000 so it would have helped a lot.

    For the baby I’d have liked some new cute bibs, and maybe some seasonal stuff if the new baby will be born in a different season than the older kid. (Like a winter cover for the baby carrier for instance.)

  9. Maternity gift – Decaf coffee (beans if they have machine) or pregnancy-friendly non-caffeine herbal tea depending on if they are a tea or coffee drinker. Try to find tea that explicitly states it’s okay for pregnant women to drink.

    Another go-to brand for baby gifts is Marl Marl, usually their fancy bibs + the baby’s name embroidered on it. Japanese mums love the brand and embroidered stuff.

  10. I bought Mother’s Milk off iherb for my pregnant friend who intends to breastfeed.

    When I was struggling with BFing, I was scrambling for every little thing that could help me build my supply. Having a box of Mother’s Milk eased my mind, even though it didn’t help me by much. But the thought of having something sitting on my shelf that could potentially help me stressed me out lesser.

  11. You can buy diaper cakes that have loads of useful supplies in the shape of a cake. It looks cute and gives them something they’ll need. Other than that you could get them baby toys or a nice blanket.

  12. Money is the only thing guaranteed to be useful, everything else she may have, not want, or not need. Potentially taking her out to a dinner/concert/event while she still can may also be an option (depending on how far along she is).

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